Virtually any game development team worth its salt talks about work/life balance to some extent. Granted, some are far better about actually practicing balance than others, but that's not really the point.
Capitalism as a whole is a different beast. I don't know anyone talking about trying to overthrow the capitalist status quo in any serious, official capacity. For a number of reasons that seems like a rather odd point to hammer on... for example, what would we replace it with? How would we persuade the (predominantly capitalist) powers-that-be to abdicate? How is one team complaining going to accomplish anything?
Shifting economic models is a much bigger change than can be confined to one industry or subculture. It has to happen when a sufficient majority of the populace is discontent with the way things are, and possess enough power to effect change. I doubt the games industry is going to revolutionize the global economy any time soon.
I think the OP is just asking a list of games that level, within their narrative, any sort of critique against capitalism, either against specific
issues or a system as a whole. Isn't it rather odd and besides the point to ask "what would a team complaining accomplish" or "what would
be the alternative"? It's like asking "what a movie like Wall Street or Apocalypse Now could change".
I think artists criticize and pinpoint contemporary issues and ills all the time through their work, without having the burden of
necessarily outlining a viable alternative system, a way to transition to that, or even expecting their art to seriously change anything,
besides perhaps some people's opinions. They're artists, not politicians or economists.
In any case, I think the effectiveness of a work of art to change the current status quo is rather irrelevant
to what the OP is asking anyway, unless I myself misunderstood him. He merely conducts a research and
wants a list of games that do engage in such criticism.
Tbh though, I can't think many games that do some serious criticism. Most of the time there are some "memes" here and there.
I think the recent "Night in the Woods" deals with it, but I haven't played it yet.
"The Sea will claim anything" could be another example.'s "I get this call every day" about office life. Sunset: quite obviously the Bioshock games are a critique/parody of Ayn Rand's Objectivist philosophy. They're not exactly "indie" though. :)
(Seriously, what is it with the post formatting these days? :P )