I added a simple AABB broadphase to my physics system so i create/update arbiters / contacts only for body/shape pairs when there AABBs overlap.
How do i deal with arbiters which was not overlapping in that simulation step? Remember and remove after the broadphase - or is there a smarter way to do it?
Right now i am doing the simplest possible thing, which are very slow (One hashtable lookup for each body/shape pair + check shapes even when there was no overlap):
// Broad and narrow phase
// @SPEED: Real broadphase!
for (u32 bodyIndexA = 0; bodyIndexA < physics->bodies.count; bodyIndexA++) {
Body *bodyA = physics->bodies.used[bodyIndexA];
for (u32 bodyIndexB = bodyIndexA + 1; bodyIndexB < physics->bodies.count; bodyIndexB++) {
Body *bodyB = physics->bodies.used[bodyIndexB];
if ((bodyA->type == BodyType::Dynamic) ||
(bodyB->type == BodyType::Dynamic)) {
b32 isOverlap = IsAABBOverlap(bodyA->aabb, bodyB->aabb);
for (u32 shapeIndexA = 0; shapeIndexA < bodyA->shapeCount; ++shapeIndexA) {
Shape *shapeA = bodyA->shapes + shapeIndexA;
for (u32 shapeIndexB = 0; shapeIndexB < bodyB->shapeCount; ++shapeIndexB) {
Shape *shapeB = bodyB->shapes + shapeIndexB;
Arbiter tmpArbiter = {};
InitArbiter(&tmpArbiter, bodyA, bodyB, shapeA, shapeB);
// Initialize new arbiter on the stack
if (isOverlap) {
// Calculate transforms
Transform worldTransformA = TransformMake(tmpArbiter.bodyA->position, tmpArbiter.bodyA->rotation);
Transform worldTransformB = TransformMake(tmpArbiter.bodyB->position, tmpArbiter.bodyB->rotation);
Transform transformA = TransformMult(tmpArbiter.shapeA->localTransform, worldTransformA);
Transform transformB = TransformMult(tmpArbiter.shapeB->localTransform, worldTransformB);
// Generate contacts for new arbiter
tmpArbiter.contactCount = PhysicsContactsGenerate(physics, transformA, transformB, tmpArbiter.shapeA, tmpArbiter.shapeB, tmpArbiter.contacts);
// Get existing arbiter hash entry
HashTableEntry<Arbiter *> *oldArbiterEntry = nullptr;
ArbiterKey arbiterKey = ArbiterKey(tmpArbiter.bodyA, tmpArbiter.bodyB, tmpArbiter.shapeA, tmpArbiter.shapeB);
std::map<ArbiterKey, HashTableEntry<Arbiter *>>::iterator arbiterHashIterator = physics->arbiterHashMap.find(arbiterKey);
if (arbiterHashIterator != physics->arbiterHashMap.end()) {
oldArbiterEntry = &arbiterHashIterator->second;
HashTableEntry<Arbiter *> *oldArbiterEntry = physics->arbiterHashMap.GetEntryWithCompare(tmpArbiter.hash, &tmpArbiter, CompareArbiters);
// Update or remove arbiter and call enter / leave collision callbacks
if (oldArbiterEntry != nullptr) {
Arbiter *prevArbiter = oldArbiterEntry->value;
if (tmpArbiter.contactCount > 0) {
UpdateArbiter(physics, prevArbiter, &tmpArbiter);
} else {
if (physics->collisionLeave != nullptr) {
physics->collisionLeave(oldArbiterEntry->value, physics->userData);
RemoveArbiter(physics, oldArbiterEntry);
} else if (tmpArbiter.contactCount > 0) {
Arbiter *newArbiter = AddArbiter(physics, &tmpArbiter);
if (physics->collisionEnter != nullptr) {
physics->collisionEnter(newArbiter, physics->userData);