Hi, guys new to gamedev. I'm going to be (hopefully) attending full sail in a couple of months so I was just wondering what math would I need to know so I can feel a little more confident about attending. Just the basic would help. I have zero experience in this. I know its a lot of hard work but its something I want to do. This is my starting line. I appreciate the help
What Math Do I need to brush up on?
Linear Algebra and Calculus. Khan Academy is a great learning resource for that.
Yeah I'm actually doing a complete overhaul on my math skills so i'm starting from algebra 1 and working up from there but i will def check those two when I can. And Yeah Khan Is great thanks for the help!
Shouldn't Full Sail have a syllabus telling you what maths you'll take your first semester? Or at least what the prerequisites are?
Yeah they do, but I was wondering if theres any other kind of math that would be beneficial for me to know before hand
Not sure what you'd be exposed to early on but in terms of practical math for games the most common things you'll use are vectors and trigonometry. After that, matrices are an obvious one but if you're say, using a game engine, the matrix math is often hidden in the background. Vectors are used pretty consistently for game logic though, and anything related to interacting with them.
Basically linear algebra at a minimum, calculus is more specialized.
You need a solid understanding of algebra. That's the math of manipulating numbers and equations. You should be able to move variables on different sides of an equation, manipulate inequalities (less than, greater than), know how to reduce functions to simpler forms, and so on.
You need a solid understanding of trigonometry. That is the math of 2D angles and manipulation. If someone talks about sine or cosine you need to know exactly what they mean and how to calculate both x and y components (or whatever axis names your school taught you, perhaps i/j axis) using sine and cosine. If someone is talking about angles you need to be comfortable with them: If I say something is 45 degrees, 90 degrees, 270 degrees, you need to know what that means. Also you should be comfortable with 1/4 pi radians, or 1/2 pi, or 3/2 pi, you should understand what those mean.
Vectors and matrices are part of linear algebra. Linear algebra is the math of multiple dimension. It is like a mix of trigonometry and , and applies it to additional dimensions like 3D, 4D, and more. 3D games use a ton of that.
Games use statistics. They'll probably teach you all the distribution curves you need, and most game developers don't care about more advanced stats than distribution curves.
You'll want Calculus but probably won't study it on your own. Calculus is the mathematics of change. Games often use iterative methods to accumulate values, but better-written code has the developer use some calculus (either intentionally or through simple reasoning) to compute change directly. Perhaps as a parallel, think of trying to measure 250 milliliters as a single measurement, or measuring out 1 ml two hundred fifty times. Or if you are metric impaired, measuring one cup of liquid versus measuring once after ounce until you reach one cup. Many programs rely on iterative methods, making many tiny measures, instead of understanding how changes work and computing values directly.
You can benefit from some discrete mathematics, but most programmers don't bother, picking up a little here and a little there through casual reading.
There are additional useful math topics like topology and advanced geometry, but you probably won't deal with them much at your school.