
What genre would you like to have a gamemaker for?

Started by December 27, 2017 07:48 PM
2 comments, last by Brad_HP 7 years, 1 month ago


I'm not much of a game designer myself, but I am a programmer and heavily interested in the process of creating games.
So I set myself a challenge: Create a game creator.
The main examples I want to follow are RealmCrafter, GameGuru, MyWorld and alike.

My main problem is, I don't know what genre most people would like to see a gamemaker for. FPS, RTS, MMO(RPG), all possible. But I don't want to make an 'all-arounder' like GameMaker

So I created a little poll here, you can tick on what you like, or give suggestions yourself.

Link to poll: Poll

Please feel free to comment, ask questions or give insights!


Make what you want to make. Make what you love. Make what you see has the most potential for a given project.

That's what I think.

"Don't make a girl a promise....if you know you can't keep it." - Halo 2

"If they came to hear me beg, they would be disappointed." - Halo 2

"Were it so Easy." - Halo 3

"Dear Humanity. We regret being alien bastards. We regret coming to earth. And we most certainly regret that the Corps just blew up our raggedy a** fleet!" - Halo 2

"One Final Effort is all that remains." - Halo 3

"Brute ships! Staggered line! Ship Master, they outnumber us, three to one!"

(response) "Then it is an even fight. All ships fire at will! Burn their mongrel hides!" - Halo 3

"Everyone I have cared for has either died or left me. Everybody  f****** except for you! So you don't tell me I'd be safer with someone else, because the truth is I would just be more scared." The Last of Us

"If you had had a child, Elisabet, what would you have wished for him or her?" (GAIA)

(response) "I guess....I would have wanted her to be...curious. And willful -- unstoppable even...but with enough compassion to...heal the world...just a little bit." Elisabet Sobeck to GAIA - Horizon Zero Dawn


I put in a vote for other. There's already RPG Maker for old school RPGs, Game Guru for FPS--even if I don't think it's very good and would like to see something better. But an FPS is also pretty simple to start in Unreal with the template there.

There are a ton of visual novel makers and a few adventure game makers.

So what I want to see is something that you can easily throw together an Action RPG, like Diablo. An engine like that can be used for a variety of things, from RPGs to MOBAs even an adventure or platform game.  



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