I am trying to build a small POC in Unreal. I consider myself a pretty good C++ dev.
I have a pretty good knowledge of Directx/Opengl, and have programmed my own game engines before.
I have also developed projects of various sizes using Unity. I would gladly keep using Unity, but cannot due to licensing issues.
So I am trying to learn Unreal to overcome the licensing issue.
However, I cannot find decent docs and tutorials for programmers.
Most tutorials use Blueprints, which as a "coder" I find very hard to read (not to mention no copy+paste).
Also the editor UI evolves rather rapidly, thus making alot of tutorials outdated. ( I often find myself searching for submenus that no longer exist )
While my project is very small, I am trying to do something which is at an intermediate level:
I want to download images from the internet and dynamically load them onto 3d meshes.
I have only found some partial solutions on Unreal forums. And have only found 2 very basic C++ tutorials on the official unreal site.
I guess what I am asking is:
Regardless of my specific project, can you recommend a comprehensive "coder" oriented tutorial or book ?
I am not looking to create complicated scenes or effects. I just want to instantiate a mesh, and play around with it's attributes at runtime.