- Get rid of all money in society.
- Switch to a social commune society.
- There is no "monetary cost" to acquire things. You are entitled to certain things based off of your standing in a social ranking system.
- Social rank is determined by your work and contributions to other people.
- Social rank is based off of a point system. Every year, your social points are evaluated to determine your social standing. The harder and smarter you work and benefit your fellow man, the more points you earn. Doctors, teachers, social workers, scientists, engineers, farmers etc. will be very highly valued.
- Even if you do absolutely nothing your whole life and live on the lowest tier, you still get to eat, survive, have healthcare, etc. It's a modest life, but it's not a bad one.
- There is no such thing as "retirement". You can choose to stop working at any time, your social tier just degrades over time.
- If you commit crimes or break the law, you lose points. The percentage of points you lose depends on the severity of your crime. Negative points mean jail time until the points become non-negative.
- If you are a high tier person, you are treated like a VIP by society and get VIP treatment.
A system like this would destroy the financial industry. A bank would instantly be obsolete. The investment and finance sectors would be gone. Accountants and taxes would be gone. The lifelong pursuit of money would be gone. The greed and incentive structure would be turned towards benefiting your fellow man, so the greediest people would be the most philanthropic people and greatest contributors to the well being of mankind. In this sense, greed would be good. Advancements in AI and automation would be a net benefit for all mankind, enabling more people to work less, and that would be seen as a "good thing" instead of a threat. There would be no such thing as a "starving artist". People in the arts would be free to create their works without concern for money and basic survival needs.
I think this is a viable economic system. But, the viability of it depends on how it can be abused by clever people. The other potential wrinkle to work out is how "value to others" is evaluated in terms of points. If a baker makes me a loaf of bread, that's got some value to it, but if a doctor cures me of a sickness or disease, that's got much more value to me. So, who gets to decide the objective value of things when everything has subjective value? A baker who gives me a loaf of bread would be far more valuable to me if I'm starving to death, vs. a doctor who cures a small cough I had.
Anyways, I think this economic system might be interesting to implement in a game world. Instead of using a capital centric economic system, maybe it would be interesting to experiment with other economic models to see how they work?