I usually do my lighting per fragment, but since I'm learning I noticed I'm not very clear with a particular simple concept. I'm taking a tutorial where I'm taught to calculate the tangent space mat3 in the vertex shader, and then pass new calculated toCamera and toLight vectors in tangent space to the fragment shader.
But as of now, I'm calculating toCamera and toLight vectors in the fragment shader, so that means I should calculate the toTangentSpace mat3 in the fragment shader? I guess I'm not clear about when lighting is considered per vertex or not. Is it at the time I calculate toLight and toCamera vectors from the vertex shader?
I'm almost sure I need to do this tangent space conversion calculation in the fragment shader in my case, but I'm guessing. Hope this makes sense
I ended up doing this (not sure I'm doing it right): First I calculated the tangent space mat3 in the vertex shader and multiplied the camera and fragment positions against it, since I'm passing it from the vertex shader:
// Vertex Shader
void main() {
tangentSpace = TangentSpace(model, tangents, bitangents, normals);
uvs = uv;
nrms = normalMat * normals;
fragPos = tangentSpace * vec3(model * vec4(vertex, 1.0));
camPos = tangentSpace * camera;
gl_Position = mvp * vec4(vertex, 1.0);
The fragment shader I left the same, except for the following changes:
// Fragment Shader
// Remember: camera and fragPos are multiplied with tangent space in the vertex shader
vec3 toLight = tangentSpace * normalize(toLightRAW);
// Calculating normals from the normalmap texture and then passing that normal to the lighting function.
vec4 normalValue = 2.0 * texture(normalTex, uvs) - 1.0;
vec3 bumpNormal = normalize(normalValue.rgb);
vec3 normal = bumpNormal;