
tower-d submission: Space Box

Started by July 06, 2018 05:51 PM
15 comments, last by h8CplusplusGuru 6 years, 2 months ago

IDK, I tested it on 2 windows 10 machines with d3d9, and it worked OK, maybe it had to do with the VM, IDK. The ship and asteroids I had sitting around that I had never used before. I made all the buildings specifically for this project though, had to get back into blender3d which was an OK experience!

thank you for your feedback!

On your VM, did you have direct-x installed? Maybe you could send me the ogre.log file? Does the opengl version work? 

Oh, I see you said you tried both builds, and both gave a directx9 error? IDK.


Neither worked, I will have a look. As you say it may be an issue with the VM, but it's quite good because it's a 'fresh install' each time so it's easier to identify things that might be missing from users machines. I have had case sensitivity issues when I went from windows to linux but I don't think that should affect the VM as everything is running on a windows file system I believe.

3 minutes ago, lawnjelly said:

Neither worked, I will have a look. As you say it may be an issue with the VM, but it's quite good because it's a 'fresh install' each time so it's easier to identify things that might be missing from users machines. I have had case sensitivity issues when I went from windows to linux but I don't think that should affect the VM as everything is running on a windows file system I believe.

On the opengl version, in plugins.cfg try commenting out the directx9 plugin

The ogre log is similar to the error message, saying it failed to load the ogre directx9 dll. This may be a wild goose chase so I wouldn't spend any more time on it .. I commented out the directx9 plugin line in the opengl version and now it says opengl 1.5 isn't available, so it sounds like this is an issue with how the VM is setup in virtualbox and the GPU (I've never used it before) rather than a problem with the game.

im up to wave 134

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