23 hours ago, Ryan Wood said:
I'm sorta familiar with Python and C# so I'm not completely new to programming. I want to get into C++ because from my understandings it is widely used for video game programming and that's what I eventually want to do
There are plenty of AAA titles written in C# and even a few in Python (EVE online uses Stackless Python). So you can definitely keep programming in C# or python for the moment.
That said...
23 hours ago, Ryan Wood said:
Also please correct me if I'm wrong on C++ being a good language to learn for console gaming.
C++ is definitely a large part of game programming especially AAA titles. There are a lot of existing tools, libraries, etc that use C++.
If your ultimate goal is to get a job in the industry programming AAA games, knowing C++ is pretty much a requirement. Also, once you learn C++, you will really appreciate the luxuries of other languages ?
23 hours ago, Ryan Wood said:
what you all thinks is the best way to learn C++?
@Rutin has already given the best advice here. Get a good book, download a compiler (Visual Studio has a free version and is widely used in the industry) and start writing programs. Start small and work your way up. I would advise sticking to text-based stuff until you are comfortable with the language, then you can start to look at graphics APIs.
if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight