3d artist need for publishable game
Infinity Entertainment is looking for a 3d artist for it first game which is due to be published in 2002 called Ragnarok: the Apocalyptic Wars (we currently have 6 interested publishers). This is not a paid job but you will get credit for what is done and monetary equivalence once the intial investment is returned (This will vary depending on the publisher, we are going to co-publish with them so it gives us an increased percentage margin--This is better since you will recieve more money in the long run) Also it will give you a great stepping stone to get into the game industry. Interested candidates please visit Infinity''s website at http://ies.250x.com. E-mail me at msonthineni@hotmail.com with a full resume.
Our current team consists of 5 people---We have been together for quiet awhile and we are proficient in all aspects of making games--Currently have 3 programmer 2 of them are proficient at dx8 (5 years experience in coding) and one with 11 years of coding mostly in windows programming. One 3d artist with 13 years of experiece. A 2d artist with 16 years of experience ---both artist have worked with Image comics as fillers. Also a sound composer who excels in making computer generated music and sfx.
Maheedhar Sonthineni
Infinity Entertainment
Maheedhar SonthineniBlack Tempest Unleashedwww.btugames.com
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