My question is about blurring the "near" section (coc is negative).
I read Hammon article in GPU Gems 3 but I want to know if that's still the "go to" method for blurring the near area to avoid the harsh silhouette.
My DOF effect is implemented as follows:
1. Split the image to "far" and "near" based on coc sign. Also downscale through bilinear interpolation in between samples at the same pass.
2. Far plane (premultiplied with coc) - gather approach based coc size followed by a "flood fill" small filter to extend the bokeh.
3. Near plane (non-premultiplied; no need to avoid bleeding) - Gaussian blur in 2 steps.
4. Composer blend between 3 images using smoothstep function of the coc.
I would also like to hear recommendations for:
1. the composition stage (better idea to merge)
2. If somebody has a recommendation for reducing the number of total passes.
3. Any scatter (instead of gather) approach for the "far" area blurring.