
Looking for artist for adventure game

Started by October 18, 2019 06:40 PM
0 comments, last by mousetail 5 years, 4 months ago

Are you a 3d artist who likes adventure games in the style of “the room” or “rusty lake”? Then there might be a job for you. I am working on a project, development name “Submarine Adventure”, however it seems I can’t do 3D art as well as I would like.


A demo with some basic features is here: password is “submarines-are-cool”. Some screenshots:, right now the prototype is only one room with very simple puzzles.

I hope, with your help, to eventually make this a game with many high-quality puzzles, a strong consistent story, and hopefully decent looking.

      In general I am looking for:

  1.       An artist with any style, both realistic and stylized are both fine as long as you can make it look consistent. You do not have to be experienced.
  2.       You should also be willing to help out with designing the puzzles and story, marketing, and other thing that come up during the development process
  3.        It is not necessary to put a lot of time in, I am also studying full time so I’m fine with a slow and steady workflow
  4.        Likes adventure games

I myself can bring to the table:

  • ·        Experienced programmer, (studying comp-sci, working as web developer) but not especially in gamedev

Payment will be in the form of profit share. However don’t expect huge profits. For now I think two people is best for this type of project, however we might decide more is worthwhile later.

Interested? Reply here or add me on discord as mousetail#2544

My CVMy money management app: ELFSHMy game about shooting triangles: Lazer of Death

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