How code is evolving in dynamic stack libraries.
First thanks for comments, and help motivation is really a great help. I was to abandon the project if was not for this guy that told me “one day you will write kick ass applications”.
Write static library's is easy the problem are more dynamic libraries that need to evolve.
In game we need to evolve, so the level is not always the same, but to work in this style of code. We need to do in the same way.
A level start at zero, if in a array or 1 in normal counting. and need to evolve. Spells start width 1 or 2 and in end of game a list width many. The code may evolve, updating is just to show. But think “got the hang of it”.
Can we say: highly readable code? “to boast”.
levels = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
#include "../labraries_stack/map.c"
active_monster = 1;
flags = {"random monsters", "fixed monsters"};
areas_flags = {"city", "arena", "random encounter", "pvp", "fixe encounter"};
#include "../labraries_stack/area.c"
spells_active = 1;
abilitys_active = 1;
defend_active = 1;
move_active = 1;
attack_active = 1;
attack_range = 10;
attack_types = {"melee", "slash", "ranged", "piercing", "magic"};
#include "../labraries_stack/attack.c"
defense_range = 10;
defense_types = {"block", "dodge", "shield"};
#include "../labraries_stack/defense.c"
movement_speed = 5;
jump_active = 1;
#include "../labraries_stack/movement.c"
spells_types = {"Charm", “Water-Making Spell”, “Age Line”};
spells_levels = {1, 1, 5};
#include "../labraries_stack/spells.c"
monsters = {"Acolyte", "Aurelia", "Battleforce Angel"};
monsters_levels = {1, 2, 3}
spawn_type = {"random", "fixed"};
spawns_fixed = {"Aurelia"};
spawns_random = {"Battleforce Angel" "Acolyte"};
#include "../labraries_stack/mosters.c"
combat_area = {"area 1"};
combat_type = {"turns", "range", "auto", "income"};
combat_turn_time = 1000;
#include "../labraries_stack/combat.c"
win_condition_types = {"value", "score"};
#include "../labraries_stack/win_condition.c"