
How to update scene to keep in sync with data

Started by April 11, 2020 12:53 PM
0 comments, last by gsoutz 4 years, 5 months ago

I have a list where I add remove elements:

   let l = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
   l.splice(2, 1);

I want to render this list where each item has a sprite laid out horizontally:

   function renderList() {
     l.forEach((_, i) => {

       // create a sprite
       let s = new Sprite(textures[_]);

       // set the position
       s.position.set(i * 10, 0);

       // add to the stage

On each game update this list changes, so I need to update the scene graph somehow to reflect this, possible add new items to the stage, remove deleted items from the stage, and update existing items position. What would be a generic simple way to code this?

I think I need something like an ArrayAdapter as described here

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