
[Hobby] Programmer looking for project!

Started by February 20, 2021 05:49 PM
6 comments, last by kurdis 3 years, 11 months ago

Hey there,

long story short I'm looking to join a project. A little about me, I've been a hobby developer for 4 years now using mostly Unity but also some unreal engine. I went to school at SAE Institute for Game development (where I started with unity) but sadly that degree isn't really getting me anywhere. Most of the time I stop projects because I need art assets for them which is why I'm now looking to work together.

Even though I worked mostly in C# I'm not totally against the idea of using a c++ engine or even a framework (if I'm not the only programmer). I really just want to see a project come together with art code sound and everything else. I focus on gameplay systems mostly but like to play around with all kinds of systems within the engine and try to polish my systems as good as I can.

I'd prefer to work on something 3D but if you have a really cool 2D project I'm willing to check it out. Otherwise I do have a project I've been working on that I could use artists and another programmer for. If you are interested in that let me know.

I do not own a VR headset so any vr project is off the table. Sorry

Here's some of my games I made so far:

I do have other unfinished projects etc but that's the main part of my work.

I have an unfinished UNet FPS game so I have some experience networking but ever since Unity deprecated their UNet I haven't made anything multiplayer but am not totally against learning a new networking solution.

You can send me a message on here or add me on Discord: Lumina#5613

Hey there, self-taught developer here working on my own version of an out-of-the-box Open Source 2D MMORPG written in C++ without frameworks, OpenGL and DX9 support.

The game - being a MMORPG, and as one of my biggest interests/specialties in general, is full-scale networking for the game (the entire game is run server sided) with two layers of encryption (RSA and XTEA).
A single server will easily average about 20 packets per second per client and has a capacity of up to around 3000 players, so it's designed to the core to work very heavy loads without any issues (latency can be an issue for human reaction, but there's basically no such thing as being desynced in this game, you're either in sync or disconnected unless the server is being DDoSed in which case you're frozen).
An even bigger advantage of the game: The game client, server, and developer tools are basically already complete and fully work out of the box (the client has a lot of minor bugs, but I have spent the last year fixing all of these bugs for my own use).
The only proprietary/missing part is non-proprietary artwork, but the good news is that the company that owns the game this MMORPG is originally based on still hasn't sent out a single lawsuit or complaint to our community that's been in existence for the past 20 years now, also there are legal workarounds (user-based plugin system) if necessary i.e. if intending to publish the game on major platforms.

Other quirks (both good and bad):
* Relatively easy to get paid work in this community
* The original community has become full of narcissistic egomaniacs including staff and many developers ever since around 2010 (most reasonable people has left the community) and has gotten worse and worse over time, they also dominate the market with force and silence dissent by shaming/mocking/harassing and outright banning people - as a result I made a new community website in October last year trying to make a more positive community again (and learn some Mediawiki at the same time why not ?), but with very little attention so far as I was immediately banned from the original community for advertising “a competitor's website” on their site even though we are supposed to be “open source”, it's even in their domain name
* Very easy to “get the game going” / launch a server, so your time can be more spent customizing, adding new features, and having fun making the game as you wish it to be rather than spending all time writing and testing out code trying to work on issues and bugs
* The game server is already designed for long-term use / stability

Even if the game is not interesting to you, feel free to contact me for any other reason if interested.

My discord is Source#1987 and you can find more about what I'm working on here:


I either one of you would be interested, we're looking for a developer (2D!), see my post.



Right now I'm building a game for Steam, Android, iOS, and other platforms.

It's a Top-Down 2D Arena Type with Multiplayer and a Store.

It's relatively easy to build, I'm pretty sure, and I'm looking for 1 or 2 developers to jump on and put it together as a hobby thing with the potential to earn some money - I intend to market the game with a strategy I believe can be pretty successful. The potential to pay off would be proportional to revenue the game makes, and I'm motivated to market it to high awareness, so you can be assured I'm looking out to earn you some money for your work.

It's mechanics are usually simple, with some complexities

4 Main Sections

Gameplay :
Objective Objects - Players Engage to Apply Changes for Goal
Multiplayer - 4/8/16 Per Game
Movement Types - Walk/Run/Sneak
Item Collection - Objects Drop Loot
Spells - 16 Simple Mechanic Reimplements
Map - 1 Map With 4 Reskins

In-Game Peripheral Systems:
Spectate Mode
Variable Chat - All, Spectators, Whisper, Team, Group (as made)
Settings Access

One Item - Crucial for Cosmetic Acquire and Other Things

Home Screen:
All Chat
Cosmetics - Apply/Trade
Stats and Leaderboard
Voting Board - Players Choose Map and Special Factors
Settings Access

That's everything

I hope the project sounds like a good investment to you! Let me know if you're interested or have any questions.

Take Care

I have a 3D project but it uses it's own “game engine” (note I use this term loosely) which is still development. That's enough to scare most people off. And if that doesn't scare you off, the eventual goal is an MMORPG although I'd like to do one or two starter games along the way. This project is in C++ and currently uses DirectX 11 (although we may upgrade at some point).

Note: I'm doing most of the programming on this. What I need is someone to offload some of the many tasks to, and also someone to share in defining the lore and story aspects. Any eventual money would of course be shared, but it's squarely a hobby project at the moment. This is a very unique project as it mostly uses procedural generation and beyond that run-time procedural generation. The plan is to have many large planets to explore. It also uses 64 bit doubles for most everything CPU side to handle the large scale more naturally.

So if you want a real challenge hit me up. Otherwise I hope you find what you're looking for. Best of luck.

I have a project I'm getting started - I'd like any developers willing to work on it as a side project/hobby

I intend to monetize it and would reimburse by proportion when revenue comes through

Here's the Page for it​



You might want to see this project:

This is a 3D virtual world, made for VR but supporting desktop.
Fully Open Source (Apache 2.0 license)
C++ / javascript

Very powerful platform.

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