
Need help designing arena battle game

Started by November 28, 2021 05:56 PM
4 comments, last by demuredesigns 2 years, 10 months ago

Hello, I'm making a game inspired by Smash TV, multiplayer up to 5 players. I need help with designing the play area (placement of props the player can hide behind) and how many enemies are released each wave, which types of enemies, how many waves, etc…

What exactly do you need help with? A lot of what you described is best done by trial-and-error (or “iteration”).

My page, just game jams so far


Mainly design of the game area. Trying to design it would probably drive me crazy because there's a million different possibilities. For the enemies, I could just increment the number of enemies each wave, but there's other ways to mix it up so just looking for some ideas

Do you have an initial prototype?

Sounds like you need to constrain your design space. Are you trying to capture the nostalgia of a particular genre? Is the emphasis on cooperative play? Do you want a structure to your levels, e.g. enemies-boss-prizes? Do you have a deadline? What platform(s) will it be played on? Are you going for a color scheme? Are there any novel mechanics? What do you want the difficulty curve to look like? Do you have a story in mind for the game? How do you want the player to feel while playing the game?

Figure out what's most important to you, and try designing around that. Better yet, consider what's NOT important, and design around deliberately NOT having those things. Limitation breeds creativity, or smt.

My page, just game jams so far

Thanks for the tips, I appreciate it. I'm going to read some articles on building FPS maps

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