
Any tips on sustainably developing games in any form... solor or otherwise

Started by March 01, 2022 09:58 PM
7 comments, last by Euthyphro 2 years, 11 months ago

Let me define sustainability for a start,,, maybe in a way you have dabbled and ditched projects and you wished you would find a better way to use the time available to you or the amount of time that you want to give for this and the thought of, there must be a better way, is keeping you from sleep sometimes. maybe you also feel very tired after another effort and its not as easy as you thought, lets just delete all of those thoughts, lets not focus on what i could be and make this something generally useful from the novice to the advanced. what are the basics of your workflow that allow you to be deadly effective at what you do? what is the thought that puts everything into perspective that allows you to see fast, easy, short solutions for a problem? what makes you think, hey, this will cut down the complexity of gamedevelopment for all aspects of it. what is the one thing that has helped you pump out game after game after game after game, especially the ones that are completely on their own, i would love to hear some tips from you and i would be totally greatfull if you lend me your precious time.


a little bit about why I was thinking about this… i had recently reached 800 points in sc2, with bonus pool all be it, but that is besides the point. and i attribute it all to just focusing on shorter games and not going for risky behaviour, does not mean i got better at playing safe, BUT i revisited the fundamentals and focused on them more, which deflected many issues that got me nervous in the past. it was all more of a feeling and thats why i had difficulty dealing with an issue in particular, probably just bad at the game ? anyways, the whole experience was made much more plesent by just focusing on shorter games, now this is the first advice you get when making a game, and i kept to it, but i still dont feel like pumping out carbon copies of one game and maybe that has hurt me in a way… so in a way i have made a better explanation of what i need right here, so what has kept you happy and coming back to developing your own games while working on them? do you take longer pauses? (i have actually heard people do that) I am not overworking myself in that department myself, definitely, im still in university, so maybe that has occupied me for some time in my day, but i live with my parents and i did not thought that i had deteariated, in some sense got worse at making games, but also better, idk… im just looking for tips on how to constantly keep working, and i dont really know what i do that makes me stress out. or makes me stress during working on a game… maybe my priorities are not in place. offcorse they are, im playing a videogame instead of making a game, idk, i just want to enjoy myself too and not burry myself in work… isnt that normal… then theres university group work and that stuff takes the wind out of me… its no good… sustainability as in, how do you make your gamedev life as easy on yourself as possible, please especially do share tips if you make all the art and the code yourself and the animation as well, dont worry, i dont critique your work ethic… i think i myself am struggleing with this… but at the same time not so much… right… assignments will be due in a uni/college context… so… yeah… id be so interessted in what you are doing to make things easy on yourself. thanks!

@swarastana , If you use the Enter key every so often (creating small paragraphs instead of a wall of text), you might get some replies.

-- Tom Sloper --


you are right… thanks for noting that out to me.

swarastana said:
what are the basics of your workflow that allow you to be deadly effective at what you do? what is the thought that puts everything into perspective that allows you to see fast, easy, short solutions for a problem?

#1 realization: when a simple solution exists, use it, but realize that some things don't actually have simple solutions! Then it's important to figure out whether the problem really needs to be solved, or not.

#2 realization: grit (sticking with it) beats almost any other property when getting to “done.” The ability to keep plowing forward even when the work itself is not particularly rewarding, is key. If you have problems with this, there may be a physiological reason, and there may be medication that can help (although some of it is just “you really have to bite down and power throught” – it's super hard to tell the difference when you're on the inside!)

enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };

@hplus0603 i like how you want to medicate, im not talking about pharma, but medicating helped me with math so… theres that…

@hplus0603 sounds like i need a break ?


Take a break in my old age I picked up fishing.

I was influenced by the Ghetto you ruined.

I usually take a break for some days, weeks, and during that time, write down simple tasks in a TODO list. These simple tasks can be completed within a day if not within an hour. Then once you muster up the motivation, and you really want to work on it, then just go do it--task-by-task.

What kind of person recommends doing drugs as a solution? @.@!

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