
Missing blog comments

Started by December 12, 2022 06:07 PM
4 comments, last by AndyPett 2 years, 2 months ago

I sometimes get notifications that someone has replied to my blog post (which is always very exciting), but when I go in to read the comment, the comment is gone.
It still says “5 comments” for example when I can see only 4…

Does anybody else experience this? Does it mean that person was removed from the system in some way, or deleted the post?
If so, it's strange that is still says “X comments” when I can see only “Y” comments.

Andy Pett

The number of comments includes hidden posts. Author may have chose to delete or hide the comment soon after posting it, or the author was automatically banned by our spam filters.

We unfortunately get quite a bit of blogspam. It is inevitable. As soon as you place a web form anywhere on the internet, bots from across the world will find it and try to spam the crap out of it. (Or will sign up for an account, then spam the crap of it.)

Hopefully the spam payload isn't included in your notification.


I checked your blog and I can see the 4 comments you see: 2 from RamiMorrar and 2 of them from you, replying to Rami's comments. I, too, don't see the 5th (and I don't see a “hidden” spam comment).

-- Tom Sloper --

website is broken. is is now a revenue generating entity. nothing more, nothing less.

🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂<←The tone posse, ready for action.

fastcall22 said:
As soon as you place a web form anywhere on the internet, bots from across the world will find it and try to spam the crap out of it.

Don't I know it… :P Yeah, that could be the reason. Thanks guys, for checking it out.

Andy Pett

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