The other day I had this concept for an RPG based on The Wrath of Nicodemus produced by Stategic Simulations in the mid 1980s. The game ran on Apple II computers that typically had 48k of RAM and as a result, the graphics left much to be desired - however, the game was extremely engaging and fun to play!
What I think could really work well is either a reboot of the original game, following the original storyline and characters/monsters/boss enemies/maps, etc., or just a similar game but using an OpenGL top-down perspective 3D engine and enhanced sounds and music, etc. Also, the original game required a party of 5-6 characters of different races, similar to many of the Final Fantasy type RPGs. My feeling is that Android would be an ideal platform because it's so common an easy to access and it could possibly be ported to other platforms - especially a Java version that would run on almost anything.
Also, a multiplayer option would make the game even more fun to play.
I think the idea has potential. I would love some help with this. I have music figured out already but the things I could use some assistance with are the 3D programming and AI for monsters as well as physics and general other programming, also sprite and model generation.
Let me know if you might be interested.