I'm looking for example games that are PVE with an "intel driven loadout challenge" that's actually a challenge?
This is an idea that has long fascinated me, and so I'm trying to find any games that have tried this to see how it worked out (or didn't).
TL;DR - the game(s) I'm looking for would need to have randomly generated challenges, and before you go into a mission/level it would need to let you see the random challenges/maps/enemies that were generated so you could configure a loadout that would help you beat the challenges.. and probably for it to be a good example, not all challenges would even be beatable.
Many many games have sources of intel for missions, but they end up being tuned where this intel just never matters... and moreso, these games have so much "progression strength increase" that even if it was tuned to be important, people would just "get more XP and power" first and then the loadout challenge goes away.
For example, EVE online missions, they tell you the race of the enemies, which tells you the type of ships and weapons they will be using... you can even use a special scout ship to run in and see what is actually there. You *could* use all this to make a loadout that is efficient against that set of enemies or for that mission type, but ignoring this information does not make anything impossible, just marginally harder, which leads almost everyone to just ignore it in all but the most extreme scenarios. EVE also has much coarser types of different missions, such as combat vs mining vs scouting, but there is no **decision** for the player here, it's a requirement. To complete a mining mission, you simply have to bring a mining ship, and if you bring the wrong ship, you fly back to base and get the other one. Not a challenge.
Warframe, tells you some tiny details about the mission (and a few more details in nightmare missions), but it's not that detailed, and all the frames and weapons in warframe are so friggin overpowered, that you can complete nearly any mission in any frame... The only exception I can think of are defense/escort missions, which are substantially easier if at least one player has Limbo or Frost (and it's probably required so use Limbo/Frost if doing it solo)....or things like nightmare energy sap, where you basically have to use a frame with no energy (also not a decision, just a requirement).
In WoW, different enemies do different types of dmg (fire, nature, frost, elemental, physical) and has different type of weaknesses... and in theory one could do something to prepare for these dmg types.. however, in reality each player class/race has built-in advantages that you can't change... so you are not free to "use the other class" to beat this challenge. Which means players beat a challenge that is harder for their class by just getting 2-3 levels higher, or they skip it on that class. In softcore, everyone basically just ignores all this and just plows through. In hardcore, these types of details provided an absolutely *tiny* amount of challenge, but the only way to know the information is to look it up or have memorized it from previous playthroughs, which made it not feel like what I'm looking for.
An analog for this concept might be what happens in a higher level Starcraft 2 match, where in the early game any ability to scout what the enemy is doing gives you a big advantage in making build choices that counter their choices.
Game Elements I'm looking for
A game with the kind of loadout challenge im looking for would probably need to have a combinatorially larger multi-dimensional rock-paper-scissors type of mission challenge, instead of just "kill everything" when you are strong enough. For example, if a mission has challenges and bosses with permutations of 7 challenge elements, but a loadout only has **3** capabilities.. so you have to consider the challenge combinations to decide which loadout advantages you want, and which things you will overcome with player skill.. Some mission challenge permutations might be entirely impossible (like when Diablo 3 elites spawn with a horribly hard set of three affixes)... other mission challenge permutations might require using a small set of viable loadouts, each requiring a different type of high level player skill to fill in the gaps. Yet other missions might turn out to be basically easy with almost any loadout that meets the requirements.
A game doing this would need to have some kind of "mission intel" that was pretty detailed. Imagine Diablo 3, but where before going into an instance, it would tell you there are three elites in the instance, of types (mortar + vortex + reflect) (missle dampening + illusionist + jailer + teleporter) and (health link + shielder + fire chains + waller)... so you could then bring the right class or gear to deal with those types.
What games would you recommend I look at to learn about mechanisms like this?