
Animating in Lightwave 6.5

Started by December 24, 2001 01:16 AM
0 comments, last by Instruo 22 years, 9 months ago
Now, here''s an area that I''ve really no experience (everything I''ve done thus far has been strickly in Modeller). Anyway, I don''t expect many people out there have much experience in the matter (since 3DS is generally used for this sort of thing), but has anyone seen tutorials out there for character animation in Lightwave? If someone could point me in a direction, I''d be greatly appreciative. Brian
"Game Programming" in an of itself does not exist. We learn to program and then use that knowledge to make games.
Heh, I''ll answer this question aswell, try this link for all the Lightwave tutorials:
and just a quick tip, you would need to add skelegons to your model from modeller, then go into layout and convert those skelegons to bones. So in the end you can only animate your figure in layout. It''s much easier than 3DS once you get used to it and here''s another tip, look for a tutorial by Skip Intro, here''s the link: hope it helps...

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