
GangMan Online

Started by January 01, 2002 07:25 AM
13 comments, last by diseaser2002 22 years, 8 months ago
ok i''ve got this great idea. While i was just chillin out when i thought of this great idea - a MMORPG(massively multiplayer online role playing game) of Gangsterism. after a month or so in developing the story base i came up with this..... ok just say u buy a copy of the game(which I plan to name GangMan: Happyville), install and start the game, u''ll choose your character, then you start at the a random place as a normal average person. The characteristics of your character u will choose before you start the game like 1. Age (16-30) 2. special capabilities (driving, fast runner, lock picker.....) 3. appearence (hair, eyes, face type, skin color... something like in the FIFA series) 4. starting conditions (abused kid, poor kid, abandoned.....) 5. handicaps (alcoholic(u''ll need to spend money on alcohol offen), drug addict(same as the other one), bad with guns(your guns can jam even during critical times)........) after choosing ur characteristics, ur end up in some place in downtown New York(random place.) in the year 1923. You''ll start with 300 dollars and from then on u can either 1. just hangout 2. join a nearby gang (gangs that are already started by other players) 3. start a new gang (u be the gang leader) 1. if u''re new to the game, just hang-out for a while and observe what happens(gang rumbles, shootouts....), but if ur choose to do notting, sooner or later you be approach by a gang and force to pay protection money(and then u should either join that gang or get a job). If you choose to join the gang read no.2. if you wish to get a job, first you''ll defeat the whole purpose of the game(not that that''s illegal, it''s just no fun. but you can always ask to join a gang when you approach one.). Second, its a lot more stressful, especially if you get a job in a high tension sector(read down below) were: a. business isn’t always great= not guaranteed pay. b. your job or even your life is in jeopardy because of the fact that many gang clashes happen in high tension areas. You can also start your own business. You can still join a gang and still have a business because you''ll have protection from your gang(but in return you''ll probably have less business and have to provide your gang food) 2. If you join a gang, ur can ask what position you want in the gang. And the gang leader will appoint you in which sector he wants you to be(normal raider, accountant, business caretaker.....). Once you secure a position in the gang, you''ll be place under a lieutenant( depends on want the higher authorities in your gang decide). After that, you’ll get a gun or if youre in a poorer gang and chain or a baseball bat etc…. Than you’ll can either wait around with others or roam around(what I plan to be a vast detailed city). You and your few friend can go raid shops for some extra money, liquor(beer/liquor = happiness(I’ll discuss that later)), food(health), drugs(painkillers=health, other drugs= happiness(could also have other bad side effects)), weapons like chains, baseball bats etc. You can also raid shops other gangs’ territory. But don’t do that while they aren’t guarding or you’ll probably get kill. But you can also get in trouble if you’re for gang meetings or a rumble. 3. Starting your own gang. Recommended that u don’t do it unless you’re an experience player n the game. There is a tremendous responsibility being a gang leader. You’ll have to get money to pay your members, making decisions like gang rumble times and plus also u be in all your enemies wanted list. But ofcourse there is some nice stuff like giving orders to your men. Stuff like that. You will also have to live your live like renting a place to sleep, getting food and stuff like that. You can also steal cars that can be stolen or be used and raiding vehicles. But you’re need to get gas that can either steel or buy. You can also make gang alliances with other gangs to the benefit of yourself and maybe also to bash up another gang. Technical stuff. The graphics Hopefully I can get to use the graphics engine of the Dark Age of Camelot. So that the graphic will be good enough. Of course, I and my team will edit it and update it. The Music. I’m hopeless here. I don’t have any music ideas that willl go with a 1920s game. Help! The Sound The sound recording will start soon. so what''s your opinion, will it sell or will you chuck in the back of your HUGE cd shelf???''feedback plz
i come to destroy the healthy.
I will play it if I can whip niggas in da eyes with my chain!

Gang leaders don''t pay the members, though. They just kick the hell out of them if they don''t obey.
well that''s your choice to pay or not to pay your members. But remember, your members will be more loyal(hopefully).

Oh and um there will be pre-rendered shops with shopkeepers. there will always be shops around to raid and destroy :D
i come to destroy the healthy.
I would buy it. I really like the idea of this game. Just one thing for you to keep in mind is that you''ll have to keep this changing to keep people into it. Keep throwig things into the mix to keep people coming back( Like have cops raid there hide outs or clerks that go on a rampage for revagen or somthing like that). But while doing that make sure that it occurs at random times and that it doesnt happen to much. But other then that I think this game could go a long way.
Good luck!
As long as there is a bonus for killing cops, I''m down.

--- krez (
--- krez ([email="krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net"]krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net[/email])
is this vaporware or for real ?
Somehow this sounds like the ENG syndrome...
(Epic Newbie Game)

I like the idea, but there are a few things.

1) I somehow GREATLY doubt you''ll get the Dark Age of Camelot graphics engine.
2) The server load for this would be MASSIVE.
3) It''s too complex.


I had a similiar concept in mind myself, but then a big NoNo hit me in the face. That nono being negative media attension. Who exactly would get the blame if players of your MMORPG decides to take down a grocery store or blow up their school? Not that it''s fair, but you should understand that you would be the first person accused of corrupting society. Technically, its feasible if you scale down a bit. I think theres a text based bbsdoor/mud about drug trading, look into that first.

:: Inmate2993
:: William C. Bubel
"Please refrain from bothering Booster."
william bubel
I will play it if I can whip niggas in da eyes with my chain!

Gang leaders don''t pay the members, though. They just kick the hell out of them if they don''t obey.

it sounds like the exact opposite of city of heroes
"Luck is for people without skill."- Robert (I Want My Island)"Real men eat food that felt pain before it died."- Me

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