
why wont exceptfds ever be set?

Started by February 09, 2002 03:03 PM
-1 comments, last by Kensi 22 years, 7 months ago
in my non blocking server, the select function does not seem to detect when a client disconnects. FD_ISSET(Socket, &except) comes out to be false always, even when the client on Socket has disconnected. Is there some parameter i have to set for disconnets to be classed as exceptions? I have a very similar program where the disconnets do get goucht as exceptions, and i cant see anything functionally different between the two programs ... note: i have FD_SET(Socket, &except); Edit: ah ok, it doesnt do it in the other program either. so how do you check if a client has disconnected or not ? Edit: ok, worked it out. recv() returns 0 if socket disconnected Edited by - Kensi on February 9, 2002 5:44:20 PM

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