Vodka Run: The Endless Rossian Booze Chase

by excellency


I’d like to start my statistics of published games with Vodka Run: The Endless Rossian Booze Chase. It’s a thrilling and endless running game set in a Rossian urban environment.

The game features a homeless character who must navigate around the city, avoiding obstacles and collecting bottles of alcohol to maintain alcohol levels.

The game’s graphics are planned to convey the dystopian urban landscape of the city, with detailed backgrounds and realistic weather effects.

Work on the game began with a simple prototype. We have a conditional player and spawning floor, obstacles and coins in front of the player. Obstacles at this point start the game from the beginning and coins add 1 point to UI.

The next step is to create a player model.


Model is done and partialy animated. Mowing towards enrironment and enemies.

Some building added

Last updated May 01, 2023
In Development
Release Date
April 04, 2023