Blast Castle

A shotgun, turn-based, rouge-like.

by pixelamped


Blast Castle is a game where you play as a cursed hero forever doomed to die and reanimate until you can defeat the one who cursed you. Although all seems hopeless, you possess a relic from the past… or, future? Armed with a shotgun you scale the castle defeating enemies and buying upgrades within the castles very own shop!

Blast Castle is my first serious game that I have become very passionate about. It is also my 9th grade “yearlong project”. If I could sum up my vision for this game, I would say that it's a shotgun turn-based rouge-like with an emphasis on upgrades/attachments.

I will try to remember to keep a good devlog. but I may forget to so, no promises!

anyways I hope it looks cool. and have an awesome day! \(>A<)/

Last updated April 29, 2024
In Development
Release Date
January 01, 2000