Latest GraphicsandGPUProgramming Activity

Following up from the previous blog post about the Java engine or “Zengine” that I'm developing with my friend. I was contemplating how to go about implementing an editor build or rather multiple build types for editing and for a game. After doing some brainstorming I've figured out how to implemen…
Main Thread: window, message pump and D3D11 DXGI. Render frame N.
Background thread: game logic and physics. Update frame N + 1.
Threadpool: worker threads.
It would be extremely helpful if someone could have a look at my first attempt to separate the work between the Main Thread and Background …
Game bar will record whatever is on your screen. It also has the ability to trim videos, so if you record one clip of 5 different animations, you could save it as five different movie clips.
I made a video of some animation with and without animation blending. I recorded the running animations…