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In the first picture, the dark grey hook character has an implausible position: standing on air with a single point contact with the ground (the light green shape) and an exactly horizontal base, presumably the result of “freezing rotation”.
For a more realistic appearance, it should either im…

I would also go for depth buffers because it makes things a lot simpler while allowing more artistic freedom. Whole buildings can be drawn as a single multi-tile sprite to reduce the feel of grainy repeated patterns, which is probably why you used a flat color on the bridge.
You can even treat occlu…
I'll need a bit to understand all that (very tired atm) but thanks. I see the merit of the suggestion.
I see how adding the batching phase between the sort and the render could help, supposedly this is where I would take advantage of instancing as well right?
As for indirect drawing... Sadly I never …