Latest taminggame Activity

Hello everyone, we have been busy working on our new face models for a while. This week, we wanted to share our updates for the face generator.
There was something in the previous face models that did not satisfy us. For this reason, we decided to renew the faces of our characters and we are quite h…

Greetings everyone, on this weeks blog post we wanted to share the new fracture system.
We are using a GPU instanced vegetation system which is pretty optimized and allow us to render lots of plant and trees. Each chopped tree or stone will be removed from the instance and replaced by a fractured ve…

Hello everyone! We have been working on new weapon types and the network system for a while. Since the networking is still in development we wanted to share the new weapons on this weeks blog post.
Beast Master will have lots of different weapon styles. Each weapon will able enchanted by players for…