Get Professional - A Professional Skillset for Software Engineers
Great article overall.
Communication is key in any team environment. I know we are introverts, lone coder, who grew up in remote solitary environments (e.g. parent's basement), but communication is very important.
Nice article. I like your ideas.
One thing I think I would add to "Take one for the team" point is to open yourself up to advise/constructive criticism. We programmers can be very shy and protective of our code, because in many respects it represents us, our thought processes, and (possibly) our capabilities. This can lead us to be either over or under confident of our abilities (typically based on your personality, I find).
Share your code. Get feedback. Don't be afraid to admit to yourself that there is a better way to do something. To successfully work in a team, often times you either need to bring yourself up a peg or down a peg. It will make you a better programmer and the teams you work on more successful.
One thing I think I would add to "Take one for the team" point is to open yourself up to advise/constructive criticism. We programmers can be very shy and protective of our code, because in many respects it represents us, our thought processes, and (possibly) our capabilities. This can lead us to be either over or under confident of our abilities (typically based on your personality, I find).
Share your code. Get feedback. Don't be afraid to admit to yourself that there is a better way to do something. To successfully work in a team, often times you either need to bring yourself up a peg or down a peg. It will make you a better programmer and the teams you work on more successful.
Very good advice, for me this plays into becoming a teamplayer and being a "good citizien" for your team.
Very good advice.
For many years i have been guilty of some of the shortcomings you mentioned. Though i think that has to do with the fact that my first degrees were in Engineering, while i did some quick Post Grad degrees in CS.
Though I'm able to write complex code but without necessarily using advanced features of the language (Java in this case)
In short: Make sure you know how to get things done and get them done reliably.
Having said that, i would like to add that the advice you gave (quote) probably needs to be qualified just a little bit.
I find out through the years that if one is adventurous and taking risks in the particular project being developed (not just doing mediocre, average, rehashing usual or out of the text book stuff) then not getting certain things done (on time) sometimes doesn't necessarily mean one doesn't know how to get things done
Great article!
Having said that, i would like to add that the advice you gave (quote) probably needs to be qualified just a little bit.
I find out through the years that if one is adventurous and taking risks in the particular project being developed (not just doing mediocre, average, rehashing usual or out of the text book stuff) then not getting certain things done (on time) sometimes doesn't necessarily mean one doesn't know how to get things done
Great article!
Thanks for the appreciation but I disagree with your statement. While being creative is part of being a programmer and sometimes you have to experiment to find a solution, producing working software is the only thing that counts in the end. Any good working environment should make room for experimenting but I would rather have this not tightly integrated in any project with a deadline.
It takes a lot of knowledge and experience to become a successful software engineer. Although it's important in every profession, and good professionals are always appreciated. I also hope to become a sought-after specialist, but sometimes the learning process can be difficult. In such cases, this source helps me It helps me out in difficult times.
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What distinguishes the common coder and/or hobbyist from the pros?
Good article, really interesting :D