Is VR Really the Future of Gaming - or Just a Fad?

Published April 24, 2017 by Maciej Szczesnik, Alan Thorn, John P. Doran, posted by khawk
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You only need to watch the movies to know that predicting the future is probably a waste of time. In 2017, we don?EUR(TM)t have hoverboards (Back to the Future II), time travel isn?EUR(TM)t a thing (Timecop), and we haven?EUR(TM)t colonized the moon yet (2001: A Space Odyssey). But still, VR is lauded as ?EURoethe next big thing?EUR? in just about every industry there is ?EUR" from healthcare, to marketing, and of course, gaming. Admittedly, 2016 was a year of really significant change for the games industry ?EUR" we saw the launch of Amazon?EUR(TM)s Lumberyard, CryEngine became 100% free, and of course, the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise celebrated its 25th anniversary. Most notable, of course, was the fact that AR and VR really caught the attention of the mainstream thanks to the launch of Pok?(C)mon Go, Oculus Rift, and Playstation VR. But is VR all it?EUR(TM)s made up to be? And should games developers be investing in it? Packt asked three expert developers ?EUR" Alan Thorn, Maciej Szczesnik, and John P. Doran, for their thoughts on whether Virtual Reality will ever become a reality.


John P. Doran, a Lecturer at DigiPen Institute of Technology and author of Game Development Patterns & Best Practices, is certain that the future of gaming lies in VR and is even working on a couple of VR Projects at the moment. ?EURoeThe introduction of virtual reality and augmented reality have been quite exciting to me over the past year or so,?EUR? he says. ?EURoeI?EUR(TM)ve already been working with both VR and AR applications and am very excited to see how we will go about building projects with them in the future.?EUR? ?EURoeI?EUR(TM)m still not quite sure what version of virtual reality will be the ?EURoestandard?EUR?, or even if it exists already, but we have already seen quite an impact with casual users.?EUR? ?EURoeRight now, the costs are prohibitive for most people to start playing with VR, but assuming that one of the headsets gets a ?EURoekiller?EUR? app that everyone will want to play, prices will come down over time, and we will see more and more people developing for it.?EUR? So why does Doran think VR will be such a success? The answer lies in VR?EUR(TM)s counterpart in altering our world - Augmented Reality. ?EURoeAugmented reality (AR) games have been quite interesting to examine in the industry. In the case of Pok?(C)mon Go, I am fairly certain that it was the IP and not necessarily the gameplay that got so many people playing it, but given its success I am sure we will see games borrowing concepts from it in the future.?EUR?

The Undecided

Alan Thorn is the founder of Wax Lyrical Games, a Visiting Lecturer at the National Film and Television School and London South Bank University, and author of Mastering Unity 5.x. Like Doran, Thorn recognizes that the influx of interest in VR is interesting and holds serious amounts of potential. ?EURoeVR, photogrammetry, and the quest for photorealism are unquestionably changing the landscape?EUR?, he says. Perhaps surprisingly though, Thorn isn?EUR(TM)t as quick as Doran to say absolutely whether VR will be the future of the games industry, even though he is currently working on VR projects himself. ?EURoeI?EUR(TM)ve already worked on VR projects, and I do think the future for VR is bright,?EUR? he adds. ?EURoeHowever, it?EUR(TM)s important to recognize that VR is but one medium, alongside other existing ones, which can tell great stories and support interesting mechanics.?EUR? ?EURoeRight now there is an intense focus on VR, both in the Unity and Unreal world, but whether this will remain the case for the next two years is an open question.?EUR?

Probably Not

Maciej Szczesnik, freelance developer, Lecturer of Game Design at Warsaw Film School, and author of Unity 5.x Animation Cookbook, is arguably more skeptical about VR?EUR(TM)s place in gaming. While the growing popularity of VR games suggests that the technology could be about to become more affordable and accessible to more casual gamers, he believes there is one significant challenge to mass adoption of VR in gaming ?EUR" the fact that it?EUR(TM)s simply not practical or comfortable. ?EURoeYes, we?EUR(TM)re having a huge VR boom, and I do think that VR is the biggest change in game dev in recent years, but I also honestly think that people won?EUR(TM)t use VR to relax after work or school,?EUR? he says. ?EURoeI make VR apps, but these are mostly business, marketing, and medical applications, not games.?EUR? ?EURoeIn my opinion, VR will most probably end the same way as all those motion sensors or 3D TVs ?EUR" it?EUR(TM)s cool to use it once in a while, but can you play a VR game and drink your favorite beverage at the same time? Or would you like to put a small LED screen 10 cm in front of your eyes after a full day of work? Maybe I?EUR(TM)m old-fashioned, but I still prefer my couch and console.?EUR?
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Title's a little clickbaity, but the article is good.

April 12, 2017 03:38 AM

Well, sums it up pretty nicely. The truth most probably lies somewhere in the middle, with VR becoming a new niche in gaming, instead of a fad that just passes.

I just don't see how the early bird devs could make the same crazy amount of money that was possible during the early days of the mobile gold rush, given we are talking about WAY higher cost of ownership and WAY less mileage you can get out of your VR device besides gaming compared to a mobile phone.

People paid 800 bucks for early iPhones because they wanted to replace their dumb phone, and their iPod, and surf the web on the train, and see what other uses the Apps could bring in the future. And then they found out that the iPhone was also decent as handheld gaming device.

Will People pay the 800 bucks to get bargain basement VR today with the PSVR? Will they pay the 2000 bucks for top of the line PC VR gaming? When all these things run at the moment are Tech demos and some very limited gaming expieriences?

I'd say adoption of VR might take off when VR Movies, VR TV and Windows Applications in VR are becoming a thing. And prices for the high end expierience stay below 1000 bucks. Even then, it will most probably just be a niche...

I would be very careful to invest into VR now....

April 12, 2017 09:36 AM

The VR may become more of a specialty product. Just like steering wheel controller.

Think about movies in VR, still people would prefer the conventional 2d/3d movie over VR.

People do not prefer to wear anything on the eyes. It will always be the same. Its not that simple to sell sunglasses for the eyes of every consumers,but a fancy handbag is. Same goes with the classic game controllers, which match the tendencies of the human hands so well.

April 12, 2017 09:45 AM

This is a complex topic, and this article is shaving ice flakes from the top of the tip of the iceberg. I don't think it's very useful to read in its current state.

I think the underlying question is, "Is VR going to be successful?".

To answer that question, you really have to spend some time defining what success looks like.

Then, you also have to spend a lot of time doing expectation management and comparisons to other revolutionary forms of media and look at their adoption curves. Where is VR today in relation to those historical adoption rates?

Then, you have to also spend some considerable effort defining what actions it will take for VR to become "successful". What needs to happen for success to be achieved? Are those steps currently being executed? Are we on track, exceeding predictions and expectations, or lagging behind?

On the game dev side, you are also asking whether a game developer should "invest" in VR. If you ask this question, I'm hoping for a clear answer or a list of things to strongly consider (I already know the answer, since I'm an invested VR dev). Again, this is going to come down to making business decisions based on the current state of the market and the anticipated direction of the market in order to make a return on investment. The key question to answer: Can you run a sustainable VR development studio with current market conditions?

April 12, 2017 09:52 PM

VR is still a new technology, or recently accessible to normal consumers. The price still needs to be more accessible. I think adoption will be slow, but increase as the price (and tech) improves, at least among gamers. A few "killer apps/games" that make really good use of the tech might speed acceptance greatly, especially on console platforms. I believe comfort and convenience will continue to improve and become less of a deterrent.

I could see AR becoming fairly commonplace, and maybe even required for certain occupations, as it improves.

Assuming these technologies don't end up causing eye cancer or having other detrimental side effects, then all bets are off. But these kinks will be ironed out too, eventually, after a few "unforeseen consequences."

April 13, 2017 06:45 AM

The way it is broken down right now it is like so:

Gamers on a budget consider VR a fad due to not being able to afford the equipment for it.

Hardcore gamers with money to burn make it a niche market.

To make it a mainstay the VR set prices will have to drop drastically for more gamers to buy them, but the recommended PCs also will have to undergo price drops as the range I saw when VR first launched was ~$1300.

To give you context of my income, it broke me for the month just buying my son a Playstation 4 at $350. While I would love to play around with VR and even try to develop VR games, it isn't going to happen unless I win the lottery.

This is a great article and makes me wonder if we will see VR go mainstream. I know Youtube content creators do a lot of "Let's Play" videos for VR games.

April 17, 2017 07:39 AM

For now it's to expensive, heavy and low resolution. But I surely will get a Linux compatible device for X-Plane in the next years. Also must be huge fun for Alien Isolation and alike.

April 29, 2017 10:37 AM
Brian Sandberg

The title is a false dichotomy, just like "is handheld or desktop the future of gaming" would be. VR is a new platform, and will take its place beside the other platforms; not replacing them, but supplementing them. Also, its much too cool to be a passing fad.

April 29, 2017 09:13 PM
Christopher Morris

2 things need to happen for it to survive - the prices need to drop - and developers need to start making games that are AMAZING. Unfortunately only one of these may happen, but at that point it won't even matter due to the massive lack of creativity in the mainstream games industry.

Long story short, no studio is willing to take the risk on a VR game - and even if they did, it would suck because they aren't used to being creative to begin with - just making games that make them end's meet.

May 02, 2017 08:32 PM
Christopher Morris

2 things need to happen for it to survive - the prices need to drop - and developers need to start making games that are AMAZING. Unfortunately only one of these may happen, but at that point it won't even matter due to the massive lack of creativity in the mainstream games industry.

Long story short, no studio is willing to take the risk on a VR game - and even if they did, it would suck because they aren't used to being creative to begin with - just making games that make them end's meet.

That being said - the first studio or indie developer that makes something unique, fun and GOOD for VR is going to have solid gold in their hands (and a massive paycheck).

May 02, 2017 08:33 PM
I think the full immersive experience will eventually become mainstream, although possibly not with this iteration. For me this is the third generation of VR headset technology I've worked on, the others being around 2003 and 1994. I know there were others before that.

So is it "the future"? Absolutely. I don't know if "the future" will be 2017 or 2020 or 2025 or 2030.

The current generation has positional tracking all figured out, but the headsets are problematic. Some groups are trying to make them wireless, which will help, but might not be enough for the current round to be the one that gets wide acceptance.

I think eventually the tech for VR/AR will be as lightweight as Google Glass was, and to take off it needs to solve the public perception issue that Google faced about "glassholes". When someone creates that, an AR/VR system that is wireless and can be used anywhere by anyone seamlessly, then "the future" will be upon us.
May 22, 2017 11:57 PM
[quote name="Helstrain" timestamp="1493757208"] That being said - the first studio or indie developer that makes something unique, fun and GOOD for VR is going to have solid gold in their hands (and a massive paycheck).[/quote] Right now the biggest issue is the fairly low number of devices out there. Even so, games like Arizona Sunshine and Job Simulator are selling tons of copies and making their massive paychecks, and they can also expect a long tail of revenue. Reddit has had several interesting discussions of what the complainers would like for a "good" VR program since so many people gripe and complain. What they say they want is the AAA experience of a $100M game that is built uniquely for the VR experience and not an add-on. When developers counter that the cost per game would be somewhere around $500-$1000 per customer, they change their tune to accepting VR addons to other blockbuster experiences. A few major companies are willing to do that, but because they can only realistically expect around 100,000 copies at present it limits their budgets to a relatively modest team of perhaps 10-15 developers. Like any system it becomes a chicken-and-egg problem. There needs to be content to drive hardware sales, and there needs to be hardware to drive content sales. Some market drivers are trying to supplement both, by offering incentives to developers and discounts to consumers.
May 23, 2017 12:08 AM
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Is VR all it’s made up to be? And should games developers be investing in it? Packt asked three expert developers – Alan Thorn, Maciej Szczesnik, and John P. Doran, for their thoughts on whether Virtual Reality will ever become a reality.
