Parallel Algorithm Framework

Published September 20, 2013 by V, posted by Gamevec
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Keep it simple

I've been trying to implement a small framework to execute parallel algorithms in my engine. I decided to begin with the frustum culling and for the last week I tried to code a thread pool with mutex and load balancing. This was a huge mistake as it's too complex, the load balancing is poor and developing a decent job-stealing scheduler is pretty hard. This idea came with the concept of a global queue, and a local queue per thread. There is a simple pattern you should always follow: KISS (Keep it simple...) A lock-free queue with no mutex is much more efficient. There is no need to implement a job-stealing scheduler, it fits very well thin grained parallel algorithms with no dependencies between threads and it comes out of the box.

Light CPU Jobs

Atomic operation algorithms vs mutex

Posix and Windows mutex are efficient for threads with a lot of dependencies, but they have some drawbacks:

  • Force kernel/user space context switches and the delay is quite high, specially on Windows. This makes mutex a bad option for thin parallel algorithms, i.e. realtime applications and a game is a soft realtime application.
  • For the same reason mutexes don't scale well, atomic operation algorithms will keep an active waiting on the very same thread improving the performance

On the other hand algorithms based on atomic operations are difficult to debug and depend a lot on the architecture rather than on the OS, making development difficult, but x86 has some memory coherency, therefore if you are targeting this platform atomic operation algorithms will serve well in your engine. There are almost two types of atomic operation algorithms:

  1. User space blocking algorithms
  2. User space lock-free algorithms

A lock-free queue for 32 and 64 bit systems

A lock-free queue will be the core of the synchronization in our engine, you will find some implementations out there but these are a little bit messy. Mine has two extra members: done and busy. These members will allow you to sync all the threads without having to add a single mutex.

// momo (2012) 
// file: taskqueue.h 
// author: Victor Egea Hernando ( 
// description: lock-free queue based on 
// Simple, Fast, and Practical Non-Blocking and Blocking 
// Concurrent Queue Algorithms 
// Maged M. Michael Michael L. Scott 
// Department of Computer Science 
// University of Rochester 
#ifndef TASKQUEUE_H #define TASKQUEUE_H 

#include  #include  

// TaskQueue: lock-free queue

template  class TaskQueue 
  // structures 
  typedef uint64 Ptr; 
  struct Node { Ptr next; T value; }; 
  // Pointer operations 
  static const uint64 PtrMask = 0x003fffffffffffff; 
  static const uint64 CntMask = 0xffc0000000000000; 
  bool equal(const Ptr& ptr1, const Ptr& ptr2) { return ptr1 == ptr2; } 
  void set(Ptr& ptr, Node* node, uint32 count) { setNode(ptr, node); setCount(ptr, count); } 
  Ptr gen(Node* node, uint32 count) { Ptr ptr; setNode(ptr, node); setCount(ptr, count); return ptr; } 
  void setNode(Ptr& ptr, Node* node) 
    if ((uint64)node & CntMask) 
      dCritical(Format("pointer too long: %1").arg(Format::pointer(node))); 
    ptr = (Ptr)((uint64)ptr & CntMask | ((uint64)node & PtrMask));
  void setCount(Ptr& ptr, uint32 counter) 
    if (counter >= (1 << 10)) 
      counter = counter % (1 << 10); 
    ptr = (Ptr)(((uint64)counter << 54) | ((uint64)ptr & PtrMask)); 
  Node* pointer(Ptr ptr) { return (Node*)((uint64)ptr & PtrMask); } 
  uint32 count(Ptr ptr) { return (uint64)ptr >> 54; } 
  TaskQueue() { Node* node = new Node; set(node -> next, null, 0); set(_head, node, 0); set(_tail, node, 0); _pops = 0; } 
  virtual ~TaskQueue() { delete pointer(_head); } 
  // safe & free-lock operations 
  void push(const T& value) 
    Node* node = new Node; 
    node -> value = value; 
    set(node -> next, null, 0); 
    Ptr tail = null; 
      tail = _tail; 
      Ptr next = null; 
      if (pointer(tail) != null) 
        next = pointer(tail) -> next; 
      if (equal(tail, _tail)) 
        if (pointer(next) == null) 
          Ptr ptr = gen(node, count(next) + 1); 
          Ptr res = atomic::cas64(pointer(tail) -> next, next, ptr); 
          if (equal(res, next)) { break; } 
          Ptr ptr = gen(pointer(next), count(tail) + 1); 
          atomic::cas64(_tail, tail, ptr); 
    Ptr ptr = gen(node, count(tail) + 1); 
    atomic::cas64(_tail, tail, ptr); 
  bool pop(T& value) 
    Ptr head = null; 
      head = _head; 
      Ptr tail = _tail; 
      Ptr next = pointer(head) -> next; 
      if (equal(head, _head)) 
        if (pointer(head) == pointer(tail)) 
          if (pointer(next) == null) { return false; } 
          Ptr ptr = gen(pointer(next), count(tail) + 1); 
          atomic::cas64(_tail, tail, ptr); 
          value = pointer(next) -> value; 
          Ptr ptr = gen(pointer(next), count(head) + 1); 
          if (equal(atomic::cas64(_head, head, ptr), head)) 
            atomic::fadd(_pops, 1); 
    delete pointer(head); 
    return true; 
  void done() 
    atomic::fsub(_pops, 1); 
  bool busy() const { return _pops > 0; } 
  uint32 _pops; 
  Ptr _head; 
  Ptr _tail; 

#endif // TASKQUEUE_H 

Adding a CPUJob interface

You could use function pointers but I like to use objects, firstly I have a CPUJob interface: //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // momo (2012) //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // file: cpujobbase.h // author: Victor Egea Hernando ( // description: //----------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef CPUJOBBASE_H #define CPUJOBBASE_H //----------------------------------------------------------------------- #include //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // classes //----------------------------------------------------------------------- class CpuJobBase; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // constants //----------------------------------------------------------------------- static const uint32 MaxJobs = 64; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // types //----------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef Array JobArray; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // CpuJobBase //----------------------------------------------------------------------- class CpuJobBase { public: virtual CpuJobBase* clone() const = 0; // clone the cpu-job virtual void exec() = 0; // process as many tasks as you can virtual void collectCpuJobData( // collect cpu-jobs data const JobArray& jobs, // cpu-job array uint32 njobs // number of cpu-jobs ) = 0; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif // CPUJOBBASE_H *,> And a frustum culling cpu-job extension for it: //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // CPFCCpuJob: Cross platform frustum culling CPU job //----------------------------------------------------------------------- class CPFCCpuJob : EXTENDS(CpuJobBase) { public: CPFCCpuJob(CameraObject* acamera, const FPlanesTuple& ftuple) { _acamera = acamera; _ftuple = ftuple; } virtual ~CPFCCpuJob() { } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // exec //------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual void exec() { KDNode* node = null; //--------------------------------------------------------------- FOREVER { //----------------------------------------------------------- // 1.- obtain the tasks //----------------------------------------------------------- if (! g_tasks.pop(node)) { if (g_tasks.busy()) { continue; } else { break; } } //----------------------------------------------------------- // 2.- check if the aabb intersects //----------------------------------------------------------- const AABB& aabb = node -> aabb(); Vector3 center = ::val<0>(aabb); Vector3 hasize = ::val<1>(aabb); //----------------------------------------------------------- bool outside = false; for (uint32 i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { Vector4 norfp = ::val<0>(_ftuple).val(i); Vector4 absfp = ::val<1>(_ftuple).val(i); //------------------------------------------------------- float dr = ::val<0>(center) * ::val<0>(norfp) + ::val<1>(center) * ::val<1>(norfp) + ::val<2>(center) * ::val<2>(norfp) + ::val<0>(hasize) * ::val<0>(absfp) + ::val<1>(hasize) * ::val<1>(absfp) + ::val<2>(hasize) * ::val<2>(absfp); //------------------------------------------------------- if (dr < -::val<3>(norfp)) { outside = true; break; // it's outside } } //----------------------------------------------------------- // 3.- add the children to the queue or add the node to the // active camera if it is a leaf //----------------------------------------------------------- if (! outside) { if (! node -> isLeaf()) { const KDNode::Children& children = node -> children(); if (::val<0>(children) != null) { push(::val<0>(children)); } if (::val<1>(children) != null) { push(::val<1>(children)); } } else { _nodes.push_back(node -> leafId()); } } //----------------------------------------------------------- g_tasks.done(); // for every successful pop } } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // collectCpuJobData //------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual void collectCpuJobData(const JobArray& jobs, uint32 njobs) { _acamera -> clearNodes(); for (uint32 i = 0; i < njobs; ++i) { ((CPFCCpuJob*)jobs) -> appendNodes(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // clone //------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual CpuJobBase* clone() const { return new CPFCCpuJob(*this); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // appendNodes //------------------------------------------------------------------- void appendNodes() const { _acamera -> appendNodes(_nodes); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // push //------------------------------------------------------------------- static void push(KDNode* node) { g_tasks.push(node); } protected: static TaskQueue g_tasks; //------------------------------------------------------------------- CameraObject* _acamera; FPlanesTuple _ftuple; IndexBuffer _nodes; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- TaskQueue CPFCCpuJob::g_tasks; *>*> exec is the shared code block by all the threads and has this structure: Task task = null; FOREVER { // pop just one task if (! g_tasks.pop(task)) { if (g_tasks.busy()) { continue; // wait for more } else { break; // all done } } /* DO SOME WORK: * - Append results to the local job structures * This way there is no need to sync anything outside the cpu-job */ if (something) { // now other cpu-jobs can pick the new task g_tasks.push(new_task); } g_tasks.done(); // for every successful pop } Easy, huh? the tasks should be thin and the thread will take full advantage of available CPUs. Notice that there is no sleep before continue, keep in mind that your engine is a realtime application, let the sync to the queue and forget about it. When all threads are finished they will break the loop and go back to their initial status. When all threads are done, busy is triggered and collectCpuJobData is called for the first job, this will collect the outcome from the cpu-jobs. How do I exec the frustum culling? CPFCCpuJob::push(_root); CpuJobRunner::instance().exec( new CPFCCpuJob(acamera, fpa) );

The CpuJobRunner / Thread Pool

I have my own wrappers to hold cross platform functionality for: thread, event-loop, sync //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // momo (2012) //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // file: cpujobrunner.h // author: Victor Egea Hernando ( // description: //----------------------------------------------------------------------- #include //----------------------------------------------------------------------- class CpuJobRunnerPrivate; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // CpuJobRunner //----------------------------------------------------------------------- class CpuJobRunner { public: static CpuJobRunner& instance(); //------------------------------------------------------------------- // main interface //------------------------------------------------------------------- void exec( CpuJobBase* cpuJob ); void remove( uint32 coreId ); protected: CpuJobRunner(); virtual ~CpuJobRunner(); //------------------------------------------------------------------- static CpuJobRunner* g_instance; CpuJobRunnerPrivate* d_p; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // momo (2012) //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // file: cpujobrunner.cpp // author: Victor Egea Hernando ( // description: //----------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include //----------------------------------------------------------------------- #include //----------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include //----------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "cpujobrunner.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // types //----------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef Array ThreadArray; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // ExecCPUJob //----------------------------------------------------------------------- class ExecCPUJob : EXTENDS(Notifier) { public: ExecCPUJob(CpuJobBase* job) { _job = job; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // notify //------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual void notify() const { dInfo(Debug::CpuJobInfo, Format("%1 (%2): exec").arg( Thread::current() -> name(), typeid(_job).name())); //--------------------------------------------------------------- _job -> exec(); } protected: CpuJobBase* _job; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // DeleteCPUJob //----------------------------------------------------------------------- class DeleteCPUJob : EXTENDS(Notifier) { public: DeleteCPUJob(uint32 coreId) { _coreId = coreId; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // notify //------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual void notify() const { dInfo(Debug::CpuJobInfo, Format("%1 (%2): remove").arg( Thread::current() -> name(), Format::integer(_coreId))); //--------------------------------------------------------------- CpuJobRunner::instance().remove(_coreId); } protected: uint32 _coreId; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // CpuJobRunnerPrivate //----------------------------------------------------------------------- class CpuJobRunnerPrivate { public: CpuJobRunnerPrivate(); virtual ~CpuJobRunnerPrivate(); //------------------------------------------------------------------- // main interface //------------------------------------------------------------------- void exec( CpuJobBase* cpuJob ); void remove( uint32 coreId ); protected: uint32 _ncores, _ancores; ThreadArray _threads; JobArray _jobs; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- CpuJobRunnerPrivate::CpuJobRunnerPrivate() { if (Thread::current() != Thread::main()) { dCritical("WindowPane::init should be run in the main thread"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- _ncores = std::min(Thread::numCores(), MaxJobs); //------------------------------------------------------------------- for (uint32 i = 1; i < _ncores; ++i) { Format thname = Format("core-%1").arg(Format::integer(i)); _threads = new Thread(thname); -> setCore(i); -> start(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- CpuJobRunnerPrivate::~CpuJobRunnerPrivate() { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // exec //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void CpuJobRunnerPrivate::exec(CpuJobBase* cpuJob) { if (Thread::current() != Thread::main()) { dCritical("WindowPane::init should be run in the main thread"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- _ancores = _ncores; if (Debug::instance().isFlagActive(Debug::ForceSeqCode)) { _ancores = 1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // 1.- create and run the jobs //------------------------------------------------------------------- _jobs[0] = cpuJob; //------------------------------------------------------------------- for (uint32 i = 1; i < _ancores; ++i) { //--------------------------------------------------------------- // 1.1.- create a new cpu-job and reset the status //--------------------------------------------------------------- bool success = false; //--------------------------------------------------------------- for (uint32 j = 0; i < 4; ++j) { if ( == null) { _jobs = cpuJob -> clone(); success = true; break; } else { if (j < 3) { os::msleep(2); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------- if (! success) { dCritical(Format("job %1: still active").arg(Format::integer(i))); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // 1.2.- run the job //--------------------------------------------------------------- EventLoop::notify( "ExecCPUJob",, new ExecCPUJob( ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- dInfo(Debug::CpuJobInfo, Format("%1: exec").arg(typeid(cpuJob).name())); //------------------------------------------------------------------- cpuJob -> exec(); //------------------------------------------------------------------- // 4.- collect the cpu-job data //------------------------------------------------------------------- cpuJob -> collectCpuJobData(_jobs, _ancores); //------------------------------------------------------------------- // 5.- delete the cpu-jobs //------------------------------------------------------------------- for (uint32 i = 1; i < _ancores; ++i) { EventLoop::notify( "DeleteCPUJob",, new DeleteCPUJob(i) ); } delete cpuJob; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // remove //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void CpuJobRunnerPrivate::remove(uint32 coreId) { if ( != null) { delete; _jobs[coreId] = null; } else { dWarning(Format("the job %1 was already deleted").arg( Format::integer(coreId))); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // CpuJobRunner //----------------------------------------------------------------------- CpuJobRunner* CpuJobRunner::g_instance = null; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- CpuJobRunner::CpuJobRunner() { d_p = new CpuJobRunnerPrivate(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- CpuJobRunner::~CpuJobRunner() { delete d_p; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // instance //----------------------------------------------------------------------- CpuJobRunner& CpuJobRunner::instance() { if (g_instance == null) { g_instance = new CpuJobRunner(); } return *g_instance; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // exec //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void CpuJobRunner::exec(CpuJobBase* cpuJob) { d_p -> exec(cpuJob); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // remove //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void CpuJobRunner::remove(uint32 coreId) { d_p -> remove(coreId); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- *,>

And a clean SSE4 cpu-job version

//----------------------------------------------------------------------- // exec //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SimdFCCpuJob::exec() { Array nodes; Array aabbs; uint32 nnodes = 0; //------------------------------------------------------------------- // prepare the frustum culling data //------------------------------------------------------------------- Array<__m128, 6> xmm_norfp_x, xmm_absfp_x; Array<__m128, 6> xmm_norfp_y, xmm_absfp_y; Array<__m128, 6> xmm_norfp_z, xmm_absfp_z; Array<__m128, 6> xmm_norfp_w; //------------------------------------------------------------------- for (uint32 i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { Vector4 norfp = ::val<0>(_ftuple).val(i); Vector4 absfp = ::val<1>(_ftuple).val(i); //--------------------------------------------------------------- xmm_norfp_x = _mm_load_ps1(&::get<0>(norfp)); xmm_absfp_x = _mm_load_ps1(&::get<0>(absfp)); xmm_norfp_y = _mm_load_ps1(&::get<1>(norfp)); xmm_absfp_y = _mm_load_ps1(&::get<1>(absfp)); xmm_norfp_z = _mm_load_ps1(&::get<2>(norfp)); xmm_absfp_z = _mm_load_ps1(&::get<2>(absfp)); xmm_norfp_w = _mm_load_ps1(&::get<3>(norfp)); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- FOREVER { //--------------------------------------------------------------- // 1.- obtain the tasks (max 4 kdnodes) //--------------------------------------------------------------- bool tryagain = false; //--------------------------------------------------------------- for (nnodes = 0; nnodes < 4; ++nnodes) { if (! g_tasks.pop(nodes.get(nnodes))) { if (nnodes == 0) { if (g_tasks.busy()) { tryagain = true; break; } else { return; } } else { break; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------- if (tryagain) { continue; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // 2.- get the AABBs //--------------------------------------------------------------- for (uint32 i = 0; i < nnodes; ++i) { aabbs.get(i) = -> aabb(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // 2.1.- load the 4 center/extents pairs for the 4 AABBs //--------------------------------------------------------------- __m128 xmm_c0 = _mm_load_ps(::get<0>(::get<0>(aabbs)).array()); __m128 xmm_c1 = _mm_load_ps(::get<0>(::get<1>(aabbs)).array()); __m128 xmm_c2 = _mm_load_ps(::get<0>(::get<2>(aabbs)).array()); __m128 xmm_c3 = _mm_load_ps(::get<0>(::get<3>(aabbs)).array()); //--------------------------------------------------------------- __m128 xmm_e0 = _mm_load_ps(::get<1>(::get<0>(aabbs)).array()); __m128 xmm_e1 = _mm_load_ps(::get<1>(::get<1>(aabbs)).array()); __m128 xmm_e2 = _mm_load_ps(::get<1>(::get<2>(aabbs)).array()); __m128 xmm_e3 = _mm_load_ps(::get<1>(::get<3>(aabbs)).array()); //--------------------------------------------------------------- // 2.2.1.- shuffle the data in order (xy) //--------------------------------------------------------------- __m128 xmm_c0xyc1xy = _mm_shuffle_ps( xmm_c0, xmm_c1, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 1, 0, 1) ); __m128 xmm_c2xyc3xy = _mm_shuffle_ps( xmm_c2, xmm_c3, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 1, 0, 1) ); __m128 xmm_c0123x = _mm_shuffle_ps( xmm_c0xyc1xy, xmm_c2xyc3xy, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 1, 3, 1) ); __m128 xmm_c0123y = _mm_shuffle_ps( xmm_c0xyc1xy, xmm_c2xyc3xy, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 0, 2, 0) ); //--------------------------------------------------------------- __m128 xmm_e0xye1xy = _mm_shuffle_ps( xmm_e0, xmm_e1, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 1, 0, 1) ); __m128 xmm_e2xye3xy = _mm_shuffle_ps( xmm_e2, xmm_e3, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 1, 0, 1) ); __m128 xmm_e0123x = _mm_shuffle_ps( xmm_e0xye1xy, xmm_e2xye3xy, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 1, 3, 1) ); __m128 xmm_e0123y = _mm_shuffle_ps( xmm_e0xye1xy, xmm_e2xye3xy, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 0, 2, 0) ); //--------------------------------------------------------------- // 2.2.2.- shuffle the data in order (z) //--------------------------------------------------------------- __m128 xmm_c01z = _mm_shuffle_ps( xmm_c0, xmm_c1, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 0, 2, 0) ); __m128 xmm_c23z = _mm_shuffle_ps( xmm_c2, xmm_c3, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 0, 2, 0) ); __m128 xmm_c0123z = _mm_shuffle_ps( xmm_c01z, xmm_c23z, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 1, 3, 1) ); //--------------------------------------------------------------- __m128 xmm_e01z = _mm_shuffle_ps( xmm_e0, xmm_e1, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 0, 2, 0) ); __m128 xmm_e23z = _mm_shuffle_ps( xmm_e2, xmm_e3, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 0, 2, 0) ); __m128 xmm_e0123z = _mm_shuffle_ps( xmm_e01z, xmm_e23z, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 1, 3, 1) ); //--------------------------------------------------------------- // 3.- check if the aabb intersects //--------------------------------------------------------------- __m128 xmm_tmp, xmm_dpr; //--------------------------------------------------------------- uint32 mask = 0; //--------------------------------------------------------------- for (uint32 i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { xmm_dpr = _mm_mul_ps(xmm_c0123x, xmm_norfp_x); xmm_tmp = _mm_mul_ps(xmm_c0123y, xmm_norfp_y); xmm_dpr = _mm_add_ps(xmm_dpr, xmm_tmp); xmm_tmp = _mm_mul_ps(xmm_c0123z, xmm_norfp_z); xmm_dpr = _mm_add_ps(xmm_dpr, xmm_tmp); xmm_tmp = _mm_mul_ps(xmm_e0123x, xmm_absfp_x); xmm_dpr = _mm_add_ps(xmm_dpr, xmm_tmp); xmm_tmp = _mm_mul_ps(xmm_e0123y, xmm_absfp_y); xmm_dpr = _mm_add_ps(xmm_dpr, xmm_tmp); xmm_tmp = _mm_mul_ps(xmm_e0123z, xmm_absfp_z); xmm_dpr = _mm_add_ps(xmm_dpr, xmm_tmp); //----------------------------------------------------------- mask |= _mm_movemask_ps( _mm_add_ps(xmm_dpr, xmm_norfp_w) ); //----------------------------------------------------------- if (mask & 0xf == 0xf) { break; // all are outside } } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // 3.- add the children to the queue or add the node to the // active camera if it is a leaf //--------------------------------------------------------------- for (uint32 i = 0; i < nnodes; ++i) { if (! ((mask & (1 << i)) >> i)) { if (! -> isLeaf()) { const KDNode::Children& children = -> children(); if (::val<0>(children) != null) { push(::val<0>(children)); } if (::val<1>(children) != null) { push(::val<1>(children)); } } else { _nodes.push_back( -> leafId()); } } g_tasks.done(); // for every successful pop } } } ,>*,>


Tested loading a scene with a very dense kd-tree (time in ms).



Four threads are not able to beat SSE4, even with a fine grained approach. SSE4 is much more stable than using parallel programming, nonetheless more cores can provide an extra boost to the frustum culling, and with some parameter adjustments the user can even decide what kind of optimization is going to be used. Designing a good framework for parallel algorithms isn't that difficult using lock-free queues, and you can integrate it into your own engine without too much trouble. Bibliography: ?

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I'm sorry to say, but this article needs more work. There are some good elements and some bad elements. The good is that at the basic level, with only a cursory browse, the overall threading seems relatively solid though having a 'new' in the push member is probably a bad idea. Use a lockless pool for that and a separate interface to make new nodes to fill in. The bad is that a thread pool is a bad starting point for this sort of algorithm in general and the end result was fairly obvious just from the introduction.

With some more work though, I think that this could be turned into an interesting case study. Thread pools are not the way to approach this distribution problem, too much overhead is spent in the queue even if it is lockless. Amdahl's law will destroy any possible gains.

Anyway, Victor, if you would like to discuss how to fix this up, let me know in a private message. I think you have a solid start but need to get more details to explain the conclusions properly.
September 20, 2013 01:13 AM

I was going to make a similar comment to the above - to implement Michael and Scott's queue, you need a lock-free allocator to supply the nodes. Using new/delete will turn it into a regular blocking queue.

I avoided this in my engine's lock-free queue by pre-allocating a maximum number of nodes in advance.

What does it mean where the graph reaches 0ms and stays there for different tests? Can you increase the test data size so that none of the tests hit 0ms?

Also, why does the worst-case performance decrease linearly from 1, to 2, to 3 threads... but then stay the same from 3 to 4 threads?

This is a great start though. I'm always recommending that people use a "job" type system for taking advantage of multi-core CPUs, so being able to point them here is great ;-)

September 20, 2013 06:14 AM

In some cases there can be complex interdependency between jobs/tasks. Phasers are a way to handle synchronization in such cases. Java has recently added them, and here's an efficient C implementation: (though the link does't explain their use cases very well; I recommend checking out some of the papers). Phasers can also be made hierarchical, though you'd have to implement that yourself.

September 22, 2013 07:27 PM

Yes, I should give a better introduction.

Wait a moment, where is the heap affecting my algorithm?

The STL list is the single leak; this could be fatal: _nodes.push_back(node -> leafId());

The drawback from my implementation is that you have to create n jobs per n cores every time,

Valve uses a function pointer but I try to use the cores without messing up the code.

I haven't considered the memory allocation. I like the idea of a lock-free heap.

Preallocating values seems too dirty to me. I like Valve's approach:

I will use and I will improve the whole article.

Thank you for your feedback,

Víctor Egea

September 22, 2013 11:02 PM

Wait a moment, where is the heap affecting my algorithm?
The STL list is the single leak; this could be fatal: _nodes.push_back(node -> leafId());

In the job queue itself you new up a new node during the push operation. This is an OS synchronized operation which will kill performance with that number of jobs being made. Changing the allocator won't help really, this is why I suggested a lock free pool of nodes. I.e. in push request a new node, none available, go ahead and use the new, otherwise use the returned pre-allocated one. In pop, just return nodes to the pool instead of calling free.

The drawback from my implementation is that you have to create n jobs per n cores every time,
Valve uses a function pointer but I try to use the cores without messing up the code.

Given a task like this, an n-jobs solution is going to kill performance simply due to the queue. The tasks are too small and the contention on the queue will destroy performance. An alternative solution is a "job" which uses one thread per core and walks the scene graph independently per core. There is a simple trick to prevent each core from updating each node and while there is some initial contention that goes away quickly and you get a fairly well distributed solution without the queue contention.

While Valve's solution is reasonable, keep in mind the context of that presentation is about overall game threading applied to an existing engine. It does not present any task specific modifications applicable and the culling case is definitely something where a task engine does not apply well.
September 23, 2013 05:40 AM

In some cases there can be complex interdependency between jobs/tasks. Phasers are a way to handle synchronization in such cases. Java has recently added them, and here's an efficient C implementation: (though the link does't explain their use cases very well; I recommend checking out some of the papers). Phasers can also be made hierarchical, though you'd have to implement that yourself.

This is basically the solution I use in my thread team implementation though the behavioral portion is slightly different. Unfortunately this is quite a bit different than one job per thread as implied by this article. In effect though, the phaser is how I solve this problem and get exceptional performance gains by multi-coring a task like this. (Assuming there are enough nodes to justify it.)
September 23, 2013 05:59 AM

This is also worth mentioning here:

I don't use the framework itself, but the basic primitive, which is a single-producer-single-consumer queue that is optimized for low contention (by avoiding the need of head and tail members accessed by both threads, which involves frequent cache line flushing). An even more optimized version of that queue is here:

Other optimization can be done by doing some sort of core affinity in a more explicit manner. In terms of per-core data (rather than per-thread), the idea can be pushed even further:

September 23, 2013 06:19 PM

In the job queue itself you new up a new node during the push operation. This is an OS synchronized operation which will kill performance with that number of jobs being made. Changing the allocator won't help really, this is why I suggested a lock free pool of nodes. I.e. in push request a new node, none available, go ahead and use the new, otherwise use the returned pre-allocated one. In pop, just return nodes to the pool instead of calling free.

Ok, I see the memory allocation now. That ruins everything.

Given a task like this, an n-jobs solution is going to kill performance simply due to the queue. The tasks are too small and the contention on the queue will destroy performance. An alternative solution is a "job" which uses one thread per core and walks the scene graph independently per core. There is a simple trick to prevent each core from updating each node and while there is some initial contention that goes away quickly and you get a fairly well distributed solution without the queue contention.

I agree, but I want to provide a generic solution, not the most scalable one.

I wanted to create an small framework for application-domain programmers,

the queue contation is not a big issue right now, I'm not looking for the

most optimal parallel approach.

I think I could integrate FastFlow and point out step by step all the mistakes I made.

That way It would be way more instructive. It will take me some time though.

V. Egea

September 24, 2013 10:23 PM
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A showcase about designing a simple yet efficient parallel framework with a thread pool coordinated just by a lock-free queue. I'll show you how to implement an efficient frustum culling algorithm which combines SSE4 and parallel programming technologies.


Other Tutorials by Gamevec
