Quest a day challenge

posted in k0fe
Published October 07, 2018

The first week of October is over. I was writing quests and NPCs. The main goal was to write at least one quest a day. And this is really interesting and fun! 

My total result for this week is 15 quests and 20 NPCs.

There is a lot of work on polishing ‘em all but at least I captured the main idea on every quest and NPC.

Today I skipped and did nothing but analyze the whole result. Tried to make a document where I can store quest data (conditions, dialogues, rewards, stages and thoughts). Now I’m planning on prototyping quests via Creation Kit (Skyrim).

But still there are relatively negative moments. I’m not satisfied because there is no real motivation for a player to complete those quests (as I think) and quests a simple as hell. They are more MMO like actually. Yes, they are not about killing n amount of slimes but still they don’t force player to use game features. Like why should anyone get fun from a quest that is fully independent from the game? Or maybe good narrative is enough for an engaging & fun adventure?

This made me think about the main game mechanics. Those that player will use real often regardless of the playstyle.

Of course I should start from movement as my game features an extended movement system which includes crawling and climbing mechanics. 

Example: Assassins Creed where player MUST use those mechs, so he can climb up to a viewpoint and open quests markings on a map and he MAY use them to avoid enemy NPCs in a different type of situations. This mechanics was used in solving puzzles and getting to a right place quests. 

Well, will see how all of this thoughts, quests and NPCs will evolve a week after ?

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