F is for February..

posted in Septopus for project Unsettled World
Published March 02, 2019

Bad weather, multi-day power outages, a fun chest cold, and several other excuses led to my recent absence/lack of progress.. ;)  

Working on getting back into the sling of things.  I think I needed a hiatus though, it had actually been months since I watched a movie or tv show.  I can't say that anymore.. lol.  I think I watched at least 50 hours worth.  And then there's youtube... haha

So, where are we at?

I'm presently/still working out the final settings on my first iteration of in-game music code.  @Jacky Chan has given me some very nice music to work with and I'm trying to make the sound-track a bit dynamic so it's taking some tuning.  For some reason I got a bit zapped out by this process, perhaps it was just where I was when I needed a break, or that I'm not exceptionally interested in writing code to play music, or all the extended play-testing required for checking music transitions..  Either way, this is where we are.

In addition to some code work that still needs to be done, I'm still lacking a UI component for music/soundfx controls and the play-testing that will require.  Then I'll make a demo for my music guy to check out, then if he likes it, I'll be posting it up in the usual place. 

So, here's to motivation!

Wish me luck.  hahaha!


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I thought you maybe gave up and left the planet or something. :D Glad to see you back again.

March 02, 2019 01:50 AM

The dreaded tedious code.  I feel for yeah.

Looks like you need one of these :D
Image result for wrecking ball cartoon

March 03, 2019 01:59 PM

Are you still ticking? ? @Septopus

April 08, 2019 03:26 PM
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