🎉 Celebrating 25 Years of GameDev.net! 🎉

Not many can claim 25 years on the Internet! Join us in celebrating this milestone. Learn more about our history, and thank you for being a part of our community!


557 entries
Evil Steve
April 11, 2006
I am tired...
...and going to bed. Goodnight.
Evil Steve
April 01, 2006
Never has it been so hard to install a new drive

So, I bought myself a shiny new 250GB drive for my server the other day, after I discovered that it only has a 12GB drive in it for some reason. Now, that should have sent warning signals of to start with.

I got around to installing it today. My server detects it as 130GB, and my PC detects it a…
Evil Steve
March 31, 2006
I haven't updated my journal in a while. I'm eating Haribo Tangfastics Sour Mix. It's verging on the erotic.

Also my modem fell off my PC and turned off. So I haven't been able to VNC home all morning...
Evil Steve
March 22, 2006
A small side project
I've decided to make another TA client, because there's things about DruinkIM that bug me slightly, and I'd like a bit of a distruction from my MMORPG for a bit.

First off, I want a replacement for the RichEdit, so I'm writing my own custom control (I think I mentioned that I started doing that ages…
Evil Steve
March 20, 2006
Random update: Part pi
Well, I haven't posted an update for a while so...

End of week 1 at DC Studios. I picked a lot of the stuff up pretty quickly, mainly the custom scripting language, source safe and Maya. My team lead said in a meeting today that he was "Genuinely impressed at how quickly I got to grips with everythi…
Evil Steve
March 14, 2006
Yay, code
This confuses me.

My stress test app is pretty much done. But in order for me to give code to people, I'll have to give away half my source code. I'm going to rewrite it (again) to use plain old sockets, then I can just post the source code in a couple of files. Ukh.
I don't have nearly as much free …
Evil Steve
March 13, 2006
I'm on my lunch break
How exciting.

I did some work to TEH MMORPG!!1 stress tester. It now runs clients in individual threads. However, since I use async sockets, the window message pump that feeds my sockets has to run from the main thread. Which might not seem like a problem, except that my socket class isn't thread sa…
Evil Steve
March 09, 2006


Well, I made everything I could use templated free lists. Now I don't need to call new/delete at all in my main game loop on the server. Which is A Good Thing. I also fixed pinging in the login server (It'd cause the game servers to time out immediately), and now if the login server disconnects fro…
Evil Steve
March 08, 2006
Code tidy
Well, that went fairly nicely. About 3 hours to move the code for character selection / creation / deletion into the login server, add some code to let me abort DB requests, and I restructured the code for the DB so it'll always allocate the buffer (that way it can free it if you abort). So, to req…
Evil Steve
March 07, 2006
Another productive day
TEH SERVER!!1 can now cope with selecting, creating, and deleting user characters. I did a bit of tweaking to some other things too, but the main thing is that I can now use my test program to select a character. I should have put that code into the login server, now I think about it. Damn. Oh well…
Evil Steve
March 06, 2006
Multithreaded database hillarity
I finally got around to writing some multithreaded database functions. You can use the blocking methods still, they just execute the SQL query in the current thread, which is useful at startup or some other time you don't care about blocking.

Here's a code snippet on how to request a user from the d…
Evil Steve
March 05, 2006
Random Updates
I started making a little stress test app for TEH MMORPG!!1. I didn't get that far though, since I haven't really written any code for the game servers yet. Then I started thinking that using Win32 async sockets for a MMORPG server probably isn't a great solution. I had a look at IO Completion Port…
Evil Steve
March 01, 2006
Sod Huffman...
Ok, so I gave up with huffman encoding, after I discovered that the slow way of decoding a value (traverse the tree) was horribly slow, and I don't understand the fast way (table-based). I'll come back to it later. Much later. The username and password info wouldn't be any shorter anyway, since the…
Evil Steve
February 28, 2006
Huffman fun
Well, I decided that to obfuscate things a little, I'd make the clients to my MMORPG send the username and SHA512 hashed password as on huffman encoded chunk. Mainly for fun really. I need to write a huffman encoding / decoding routine anyway, since I'll be using one for my chat messages.

So, first …
Evil Steve
February 27, 2006
More web admin crap
Well, TEH SERVAR!!1 now understands HTTP authentication, and gives you a HTTP 401 error if you try to access the web interface without supplying a username and password.
I decided to use SHA-512 for encrypting the passwords in the user DB. Yeah, it's totally overkill, but who cares. I won't be SHAin…
Evil Steve
February 26, 2006
Yay, web admin
Well, TEH SERVAR!!1 now has web admin support. At the moment it can only respond to /favicon.ico and HTTP 400. Everything else gets a 404 page. Still, it's working.
The GUI is there, with the logging window too. Just a simple RichEdit log window, and an edit box for me to enter commands into.

Evil Steve
February 24, 2006
Damn you, PC World
Well, after I handed in my notice at PC World, saying that I was leaving on the 12th of March, some bright spark put me down as leaving on the 12th of February. So I've been oblitterated from the tills, payroll and the staff rotas. Which now means that I (Well, one of my managers really) have to fi…
Evil Steve
February 21, 2006
DC Studios
Quote: This letter is to confirm that we have offered you employment as a Junior Programmer based in our Edinburgh office.


So, I printed, signed, scanned and e-mailed the document back to them, and I've handed in my notice at PC World. My manager suggested that I work one day at the week…
Evil Steve
February 20, 2006
I got offered a job at DC Studios [smile]. They want to know my notice period, and then they can draft up a formal offer letter for me. I'm just back from PC World, and they said my notice period is 2 weeks, which is good. I had a horrible feeling it was 4 weeks.
So, I've e-mailed the guy I've been …
Evil Steve
February 19, 2006
Borked PSU Joy
Well, I got up this morning and found my PSU had died during the night, which was a bit inconsiderate of it. I don't know what happened; it was working at 4:30am, but not this morning. No "pop", no smoke, nothing. And I even run everything through a surge protector that was fine.
So I was going to j…
Evil Steve
February 18, 2006
Interview results
Well, I went for my Interview. It was pretty good. It was a bit more in-depth than my Rockstar review, asking me more questions about my code and a few little tests to see how much I know about e.g. the STL.
I brought my laptop along which was handy, since I could show the two guys my code in action…
Evil Steve
February 16, 2006
I'm not dead!
I'm just very quiet lately. So, what have I been doing...
I got a job at PC World. Not exactly ideal, but at least a) it's a job, and b) it's at least slightly IT/computer orientated.
I have an interview for DC Studios tomorrow, so I'll report back on how that went if I remember.

I've been doing a bit…
Evil Steve
October 24, 2005
I made a tiny alteration ot my site, and I now log referers. I know Apache can do that just as well, but I wanted to do it just for the shear hillarity.
You can view the referers Here.
Also, the IOTD stuff I was yattering about can be found Here.

I managed to get 2 hours sleep this morning. I finally …
Evil Steve
October 23, 2005
Yay! Done!
Well, it's 3:15am, and my network has died again, so I may as well post here.
I finally got my site finished. I've still to write some articles, but that can wait till later in the week.
So go check it out!

I'm currrently hacking about with phpbb, trying to make an Image Of The Day forum, in a style s…
Evil Steve
October 23, 2005
Well, I was up till 7:30am today, getting stuff done to my site. And then I managed to oversleep until the grand time of 4pm today. Joy.
So, tonight - for my site - I have to:
  • Finish the Projects section of my site (Which looks pretty much like the GDS)
  • Add a section to the admin section to manage pro…
    Evil Steve
    October 21, 2005
    Nearly done
    I've got some more content on my new site now. Image of the day is up completely, downloads are logged, and I have contact, CV and site stats pages (Just simple stuff). The image of the day page works by providing an upload form for users to provide an image, name, e-mail address and comments. The …
    Evil Steve
    October 18, 2005
    Yay, my Game Programming Gems 5 book arrived today. I'm happy.

    I've got my site in a fairly reasonable state now. I'm parsing the BBC Technology, Slashdot or GameDev.Net RSS feeds (randomly selected) for a bit more substance on the page, I've got a very simple thumbnailing script for my Image Of The…
    Evil Steve
    October 13, 2005
    New site design!
    Well, I spent the entire day making up designs for my site. And finally, here is what I have (created with Paint):

    I'll be parsing the BBC Technology RSS feed, mainly just for padding, but also it looks pretty neat [smile]. Magpie RSS is easy as hell to use, I got a RSS feed parsed in under 5 minute…
    Evil Steve
    October 12, 2005
    I hate MySQL
    Ukh. I just spent an hour trying to work out why MySQL kept giving me access denied errors. I had set up a copy of my server on another machine, so I could test out a new website design without destroying my current site.
    Turns out, I accidently removed the root user from the wrong server...

    I'm want…
    Evil Steve
    October 11, 2005
    I're board
    Well, my parents returned today, so I spent most of the day cleaning the house, getting good we need, cleaning my fish tank and gardening. I finally got a little bit of code done, but I wasn't really in the mood (not enough coffee, damnit).
    My sound manager now plays some funky music. I had it doing…

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