Since they change over to the Christmas pattern, my background on my entries went to the background of the page contents. Damn.
Anywho, it's the holidays and there ain't a chance in hell at making progress. The multi-threaded architecture is done. It works just as well as before but now I don't h…
Anywho, it's the holidays and there ain't a chance in hell at making progress. The multi-threaded architecture is done. It works just as well as before but now I don't h…
I made a pretty stupid mistake. I'm pretty new at multi-threading... and it shows. I've divided up my application into separate parts to be threaded: physics, video, even the GUI (see previous entries). However, I put my input code in the main application. WTF? I've gone through all this troub…
SUCCESS! My graphics engine is now multi-threaded! This means that the GUI and game rendering run on seperate threads and if the game bogs down (< 16 fps) the GUI and mouse pointer doesn't! I haven't yet seen a game that does this but mine shall. =D
For now, I'm just cleaning up my multi-threa…
For now, I'm just cleaning up my multi-threa…
The new video and GUI are FINALLY integrated into the game application! WOOHOO!!! I've been adding to and tweaking the framework architecture and I'm pretty happy with the results. My physics and video threads are now running and playing nice with the rest of the app. This is important for one …
Had a party at the new house this weekend! w00t! Obviously, I didn't get any work done... Sorry, PC! Now that the hangover's passed, I can get back to work. ;-)
Not a whole lot to report. I've got all the parts of my framework complete. Over the next week, I'll be putting everything together wh…
Not a whole lot to report. I've got all the parts of my framework complete. Over the next week, I'll be putting everything together wh…
That's right! You're lookin' at a picture of yours truly. Now, settle down ladies. One at a time.
I found this on my harddrive at work and couldn't resist posting it. We were shooting a commercial for the company I work for and I was asked to be in it. Flattered, I obliged... however, they were…
WOOHOO!!! The move to the new house is now complete!
I'm still having some work done to the house, buying cheap crap to fill it with and making some modifications here and there. It's a fixer-upper so I've gotta devote some time to it. It'll be worth it when the time comes to sell it. At any rat…
I'm still having some work done to the house, buying cheap crap to fill it with and making some modifications here and there. It's a fixer-upper so I've gotta devote some time to it. It'll be worth it when the time comes to sell it. At any rat…
As usual, programming 40 hrs per week and scheduling development around a social life is excruciatingly slow. However, I've made SOME progress. The graphics component is complete minus a few optimizations. This means that I can FINALLY integrate the GUI into the application framework and I can F…
It's been quite a while since my last entry. I've just recently bought my first house (WOOHOO!) and having some work done to it before I move in. Although this has slowed down my progress, it hasn't stopped it. I've still been hard at work on the game.
Last I left off, I was trying to call all lo…
Last I left off, I was trying to call all lo…
Ya know those times when you just can't get something to work and you just don't know why? Yeah, this is one of those times.
I'm almost done with the framework for my application. Everything that happens on the kernel level is executed though "actions". What's cool is that I have a console (which…
I'm almost done with the framework for my application. Everything that happens on the kernel level is executed though "actions". What's cool is that I have a console (which…
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