The Property Ladder

Published June 18, 2006
My girlfriend and I got the keys to our first house on Friday. It was somewhat strange walking around the place and finding stuff the previous owners had left behind, which included, amongst other things: a hardhat, 300 cardboard beer coasters and a flashing blue emergency vehicle light that plugs into a car's cigarette lighter socket. We looked in the attic for the first time and discovered it was both boarded and carpeted, which was a nice bonus. I also learned on Saturday that going to DIY stores at the weekend is a special kind of hell.

Of course, now the future is filled with nothing but cleaning, painting, laying laminate flooring and carpets, assembling furniture, etc.

My incentive for finishing all this is that I won't allow myself to play Resident Evil 4 on our new 32 inch flat-screen TV (which is currently sat in its box at my parent's house) until it is all completed...
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Welcome to hell.

Hint: Get a buncha bug bombs and set 'em off before you move in furniture. It'll be the only time you can do it easily.
June 18, 2006 07:17 PM
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