Simplui 1.0.2 released

posted in swiftcoding
Published June 02, 2009
simplui-themes.png?w=300&h=245The default themes provided by simplui

Today brings the 1.0.2 release of simplui. This is a beta release, previewing major enhancements, and I need as much feedback as possible on the new features. As such, this release isn't heavily optimised - that is on the wishlist for next release.

The big news for this release is themes support. The GUI is now fully skinned, using a variant on the ninepatch method code developed by Joe Wreschnig and Alex Holkner on the pyglet mailing list.

Each GUI frame can use a different theme (even in the same time!), and the theme can be changed at runtime. I have included two sample themes, one modelled on the Mac OS X 'Aqua' interface, and the other on the PyWidget GUI toolkit.

Also included are the usual crop of bug-fixes, including the squashing (hopefully for the last time) of the persistent event clipping bug.

As per usual, grab the tarball, or visit SVN, and let me know if you have any comments or suggestions.

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