April Stuff and Things.

Published April 12, 2012
Middle of April,

Lot's of stuff going on here at PSU. Music festivals, performances, gigs, recitals. But still enough time to squeeze in a journal update.

I actually really surprised that my last entry received so many views (assuming 300+) is a lot. I guess now I can hope that the community will start giving suggestions on how I can better organize myself to be a game maker.

I've been doing some real basic design work. including
-Plotting gameplay
-Forming the story
-Shaping characters (in conceptual designs)
-Experimenting with some music
-Thinking about the overall tone that the game wants to set.

My objective right now is to find a digital artist and a background artist who would be willing to start assisting me as the designing unfolds more. Unfortunately it would be more of a labor of love than any profit. But presumably there are tons of people out there who just do it because they love to... those are the kind of people I need right now, people like me.

If you are interested in jumping on board, or just want to watch the games progress (however little it is right now) you should message me and we talk it up.

For now though, it is just baby steps to something greater...

1 likes 1 comments


[quote]But presumably there are tons of people out there who just do it because they love to... those are the kind of people I need right now, people like me.
I fear that those kind of people often will follow their own goals, much like yourself. :-)

Nevertheless, you have nice drawing skills and a cool style !
April 13, 2012 06:05 AM
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