I've entered the The Week of Awesome II community contest
What I am going to use:
[indent=1]Language: C++.
[indent=1]SDK/Engine: My own With a D3D11 renderer backend (for now, D3D9 work not started yet).
[indent=1]Graphics: Free texture libraries like the nVidia TTVol one supplimented by my own handiwork.
[indent=1]Hosting: On this site or I'll check out my old Dropbox account.
[indent=1]Sound: SFXR.
[indent=1]Music: Chiptunes from that chiptunes place ( was something like chiptune.com, I have forgotten the exact address )
My plan(As it stands):
[indent=1]Use this week to clean up the D3D11 renderer and to get Bullet physics integrated and working to some level.
[indent=1]I plan on doing the game in 3D as either a side scroller or a top down view.
[indent=1]Would be nice to get LUA integrated for some scripting/fast gameplay tourn-a-round.
[indent=1]Get my old particle system implementation updated to the new renderer.
[indent=1]Use a configuration file to create the world/level.
Pretty good plan eh?
That's all folks.
Hmmmm. A good plan indeed.... Suspiciously like my plan that I posted yesterday.... AHHHH HAAAA!
Good luck sir,
- Eck