Right off the bat you are greeted with this screen, the reason is because when the game starts the border will kill you if you cross it.
When the game starts, clowns move across the screen randomly with decoy grey clowns.
Normal clowns will increase your score while grey clowns will decrease.
After a short period of time, axes will spawn in 3 spots on the map and shoot across to the right of the room. I had originally planned to have the triggers spawn them, but they were having variable issues that caused problems as they spawned.
Every so often a potion will appear for a short while, when clicked it will give the player a power up shield that can destroy axes by touching.
Example of shield.
After the player obtains 50 points a white shark will spawn, it will chase the curser and if it touches it, it will result in a game over. I had a hard time figuring what will spawn one shark and how fast to move it.
Note: the shield won’t destroy the shark but make it cower away in fear for a short time.
At 100 points the red shark will spawn, it acts just like the white shark but is much faster.
When you die you are greeted with a game over screen, the cause of death are as follows
1. moving outside the screen
2. getting eaten by a red or white shark
3. getting hit by an axe
The hard part I had with this one was making sure that the game over image only showed up once, and that it wasn’t being repeated over and over. I fixed this by having it remove all objects in the field.
Also note that pressing R will reset you to the first room where you can start over. It has a small loading screen in-between that is easy to miss.
This concludes my documentation
Ideas to add:
I was considering adding difficulties that would determine
1. how many axes are thrown
2. how many grey clowns are present
3. how fast the sharks move
4. how often the potion spawns
I decided not to implement this due to time factor. (maybe I’ll add it as a dlc)
Final notes:
it was interesting/hard to figure out how to place the shield over the mouse, along with making the sharks follow the mouse. I also wanted to add more sound effects but I felt they’d get annoying and repetitive and make the game overly large so I decided not to. I hope you enjoy my changes I made to the catch the clown program.