Features and whatnots (+life after beating the game)

Published July 13, 2019

Figure no.1

Been thinking of having a way to personalize your appearance, if you wish to do so. It would be a semi-traditional crafting system, where you could potentially make an item from scratch (from sourcing the materials/mining, all the way up to making them). The main difference would be the way you made your items: via traditional blacksmithing techniques (rather then drawing it in 3D). Think this would give you some form of creative restriction, but not too much to discourage you from doing so. Also, some steps [whilst making the item] would require some sort of mini-game to complete (aka, determining its quality). That being said, this feature would definitely unlock after completing the game on normal difficulty, or would require some special conditions.

Figure no.2

The elephant in the room, Then comes the question of what to do after you beat the game? Well . . . obviously, there would be different levels of difficulties; for one. However, I thought it would be cool, if you could use your champions in a MOBA, rather than forcing a boring clicking frenzy in a traditional PvP scenario. Of course there would be plenty to do (different game modes), with separate/corresponding ranks for each player. And here comes a big one, What if you'd like to play this in a more competitive manner/more hardcore? Well . . . there would be this thing called Survival Mode, where you'd have to look after your character's health and equipment, whilst having unique challenges along the way. Your stats would decline in real-time (even when offline), and it would be up to you to make sure you maintain the balance, in order to keep your champion in mint condition!


Your thoughts and inputs are most welcome!



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