Snake - Moving on to game options

Published August 24, 2019

The most basic version of my SFML "Snake" clone is now playable, including background music and some rudimentary sound effects.  (The "eating an apple" sound was literally just me making a mouth sound.  I guess that makes me an "ASMRtist"?)


I tagged this as "snake_1_0_0" over on my Github repository.

Now I'll be moving along to adding game options.  Everything in the image below is still part of my "phase 1".  I'm happy with where things are at, but also slightly bummed because it'll be back to my regular job in a few days. ?



Some things I feel I'll need to improve upon when I get to "phase 2" (the story mode with level progression)...

  • Loading and managing assets.  So far I've done this with member variables for music, sound, and textures.  If I want to be able to improve the graphics, and perhaps include animations, I feel I'll need some kind of asset management structures.
  • Spawning game objects.  Spawning of the apples is also controlled by two member variables:  "appleExistsFlag" and "applePosition".  That approach definitely won't scale well if I want to have, say, multiple apples or a row of carrots pop onto the field.
  • The "QuickGame::update" method is kind of getting out of control.  Now that I'm typing this, I think I'll add an issue for that over on Github so I don't forget...


Previous Entry This snake can move
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August 24, 2019 09:24 PM
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