Shallow Wish Update: Gameplay leak and new In-game Footage

Published November 27, 2022

Gameplay leak

  • As I promised, I'm back with some updated content and a sneak peek at the gameplay. (Don't be harsh, the game is still in development...). However, I have some sad news: the release date has been delayed. I will be back with additional information about the delay as soon as I see the light at the end of the tunnel. Until then, enjoy!

New In-game Footage

  • From Indiependent Games Studio comes the pioneer Shallow Wish, a 2D action-adventure indie game.

  • The land of Athrelos hosts many stories of which the one of king Dalion is the best. Crowned and ready to rule over Athrelos, Dalion goes missing and the kingdom collapses. After many years, a boy who's name is unknown becomes the kingdom's liberator in an attempt to find a way to his lost brother. Welcomed by a spirit, who claims to know the path to his brother, our two protagonists fight together through the land of Athrelos, facing unimaginable threats and challenges. Will they ever get to his brother? Where is the king? Who's the spirit? What's the boy's name? You'll find all the answers playing Shallow Wish.
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I thank you all for the feedback you provided. It keeps me going and it shapes the direction to where the game is headed.

January 27, 2023 11:56 AM
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