18 At Last !!!!

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25 comments, last by Xgkkp 21 years, 9 months ago
It's My 18th Birthday (23rd... In Uk) Wahey. [sarcasm]Finally. I really feel much more mature now than the last few weeks/months.[/sarcasm] Then again, these rules aren't made for sensible people, like most of the people on this forum. [edited by - Xgkkp on July 23, 2002 8:02:58 AM]
Yeah, you can smoke now, and trade in games at gamespot...
He''s been allowed to smoke for the last 2 years..... (UK)....
- CheeseMonger
Happy birthday..

When you are 28, you will look back at when you were 18 and laugh at how naive you were..

I know you think i''m just trying to insult you.. but i''m not... I thought I knew it all at 18, and I too looked back at how foolish I was then.

the funny thing is.. the more you know.. the more you know you don''t know.
Now you can finally look at porn on the internet. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.

Proceeding on a brutal rampage is the obvious choice.
___________________________________________________________Where to find the intensity (Updated Dec 28, 2004)Member of UBAAG (Unban aftermath Association of Gamedev)
you can hit a few of the lesser strip clubs now. have fun.
Well, I bought Gta3, but now I can buy State Of Emergency (with the sticker on the front warning to check ID) Now, if I thought it looked any good......

Isn''t the Drinking Age 21 in America?
Hopefully Mith doesnt mind me quoting him.

Original post by Mithrandir
remember, there is a magical faiery that visits you on the night of your 18th birthday that makes you magically mature enough to buy cigarettes, pornography, and violent video games.
quote:Original post by aegrimonia
When you are 28, you will look back at when you were 18 and laugh at how naive you were..

I know that.
quote:I know you think i'm just trying to insult you..

not at all
quote:the funny thing is.. the more you know.. the more you know you don't know.

*sigh* isn't it true.

[edited by - Xgkkp on July 23, 2002 5:08:23 AM]

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