
Newbie Team help needed (also)

Started by January 07, 2003 01:34 AM
23 comments, last by Micromania 22 years, 1 month ago
++++++ Currently we need artists and textue guys. ++++++ We are done with programmers. I need newbies basically because I am one to and I wouldnt want to drag a experienced team down. If I was the only newbie. I posted this in the newbie section because I didint want to clutter the advanced section and get the admins angry that I am posting for a newbie team. The name of our team is k2 studios. I dont know how the name came to me but it did. IF you have any suggestions fell free to email. I have one person working with me. I right now need people who are dedicated and want to acomplish something big. I am not saying that people on this forum are not dedicated but i need people who wont flake out. Now I know that since I am a newbie i dont know much of the stuff but I have one advantage , I know what i need to study and will not be lost since i know what to study one after the other I hope. Now the mission of this team is first to gather 12 to 15 members, each speacilizing in his/her field. Then the members can select what they enjoy best programming, art , music etc. ... and learn that trade really well. As u are learning we will create and work on small projects. So we learn on the way. The main goal of this team is to create a basic game, with lots of lighting and effects. Mainly a splinter Cell game or a RPG. I know people out there are going to say Hahaha how can a bunch of newbies make this but we are going to give it a shot. It dosent have to be as good as splinter cell but something we can enjoy. Now we will be using C++ , Direct x 9 , 8 ,7 (What version u are on doesnt matter) , Maybe the truevision 3d game engine , and for modeling 3ds max and Adobe photoshop for paint. We will also use video software to make a cool intro movie. You can be a newbie or not who is dedicated to working on this project. First we will assign the jobs of the members based on what the member enjoys doing the best. Then we will decide to make our own game engine or work from the truevision 3d, then we basically write down the game idea and agree to it and start work. The whole trick is that we will attempt to create something and we will learn as we go along. Say we needed to plot a pixel then all the programmers will learn what is needed to plot a pixel ont he screen and go on from there. Check out our website its nothing right now just a forum but a basis for team communication. Currently we need artists and textue guys. Here is my email Thanks [edited by - Micromania on January 7, 2003 2:35:05 AM] [edited by - Micromania on January 7, 2003 10:09:35 PM] [edited by - Micromania on January 7, 2003 10:16:06 PM] [edited by - Micromania on January 7, 2003 10:20:07 PM]
OK from what I know about teams like this is(well not programming but building a website)

1. You better get people that are in it for the fun and learning, ect, ect not just to get their name pasted on a site or file.

2. Expect to get in fights about the most stupid things and expect people to quit if things don''t go the way they want.

3. I think this one is the #1 rule, don''t expect too much too early no matter how skilled the team is(we had awesome people working on that site but the whole thing still fell apart)

4. Avoid having trash talkers on the team as they will get you in hot water and give you a bad reputation...

5. Don''t give up!

This post may sound like crap but all these things happened with the team I was working on to build a simple(well ok not so simple) website.

Thanks for the tips, this is my first time so i really dont know what to expect
I''m a newbie as well and would like to learn more about programming in computer game development.

I could offer you about 10 hours or so of my limited programming help a week.

My skills include:

completed a few intro computer programming college courses a some years back

understand C pretty well
limited C++ knowledge but working on it(haven''t touch some areas)
started looking into DirectDraw 7 and Win32
have completed a simple Tic Tac Toe game in QBasic

If you are interested then simply reply or email me at
Hooray Micromania. I am interested. As long you use the TrueVision3D engine, I will join. First of all, TrueVision3D is a good engine. "Heard from a lot of people". I now focusing on the c# coding. I want to be a c# "tv3d intermediate" in no time (hope so) as not much people in tv3d supports c#. I quite okay in c#, as I recently ranked top 5 in my country in a c# competition "Web Services". That is a success anyway but i did not meant to show off here. Sorry about that. I am still very weak in mathematics and 3d concepts which i still learning. Previously i learn mathematics in a very different language (Malay) and not English.

But about modelling, sigh never model before. I spent most of my time in coding. But i do have a lot of 3ds software like 3ds max 5, maya 4.5 unlimited, etc.

"I do know other languages like C, Java, Perl, etc"

I will learning c++/c#/directx9 soon, after getting used with all the 3d concepts, mathematics and truevision3d engine.

"Micromania, are you the same person in the tv3d forum?"

Chua Wen Ching :D

"Very new to games I think"
"Very new to games I think"
I never thought this opportuniy would come along. I tihnk this could be great let me join!

let me join too. i''m a newbie and am starting to learn direct x.
TG Ramsus
Great Guys.

Good to have u on board. Now just register at our forum here for any who havent.

Thanks and just send me an email describing in detail what u guys would enjoy doing. thx.

One more thing we in the group no one is a boss or leader we work together as equals , just wanted to put that on the floor.

ANy work u want to show can be posted on the board.

Thanks again
Hi I just wanna thank every one with the great response i have gotten. I just wanted to say that we need artists and sound designers. Newbie is just fine but we need people who are intrested in Art or sound also thx.
Hi i think that you got up a great idea and i would do so if you havent done before i had time to think of it. I''m willing to join your team but the problem is that i think i know a bit too much. i know directdraw plotting pixel and do lot more stuff on directdraw will you exept me event if I am not the exact newbie you expected. I will be willing to work about 2 to 6 hours a week and can be a main coder for games.


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