just two notes : 1- linux file systems are generally case-sensitive. That is, the file "Data/Logo.tga" and "data/logo.tga" are different ! I don''t know if it''s NeHe that has skipped the uppercase characters but the demo does not run entirely because of this (I had to rename the file and folder), 2- the model does not appear in the last scene (the green model that I see in the snapshot). I only get the pink-ish background.
vincoof - Im developing on an outdated Voodoo3 so I expected these problems. Im confused, though, because I used absolutly no extensions or anything unusual. The music was from FF7, motorcycle minigame.
[edited by - iNsaNEiVaN on February 5, 2003 6:48:33 PM]
iNsaNEiVaN: the white texture bug could come from a driver bug (who knows) and the polygon antialiasing is certainly a bad usage of antialiasing. Why do you perform polygon anti-aliasing ? Don''t you know it looks crap in OpenGL ? (line- and point-antialiasing looks good, though). Motorcycle mini-game... that''s it !
I think my top favorite was Superstars by Quin Pendragon... Followed by...
Mindstorm by Ralph Tittensor, though it seemed like some of the scenes were quite random, and the one with water kind of sucked... (no offense, it just doesn''t look purdy) Ravers Nature by Mirko Teran was pretty good too, I loved the textures on the city thing... It looks funky...
OpenGL Demo 2003 by Steven Ashley, but the beating squares started looking bad with the camera movement, and the solid square after that seemed extremly pointless.
Also, I thought the part in PmanC where the water ripples are outlined in black looked extremly cool.
There were way too many people using the cube scene and the thing with the four wavy arms (in one it had like 16 or something).
PS: Hehe... I posted this in the wrong thread at first :-P
About Interminable Tunnel by David Ducker.... Weren''t the rules 60 seconds of running without looping? (and then after the 60 seconds it can loop?)
It runs for about 30 seconds before the end of the hallway is reached and the door is opened, repeating the walk down the hall and the opening of the door repeating the walk down the hall and the opening of the door repeating the walk down the hall and the opening of the door repeating the walk down the hall and the opening of the door repeating the walk down the hall and the opening of the door repeating the walk down the hall and the opening of the door repeating the walk down the hall and the opening of the door repeating the walk down the hall and the opening of the door repeating the walk down the hall and the opening of the door....
Great demo''s! I''m using an ATI 8500 Radeon with 64 MB. Demos that don''t work at all are Rus''s & Staciu''s (just very, very slowly & jerkily moving star background)
Andreas: Really liked the effects: the blob and the electricty (or whatever) and especially the tentical thing with the blurring! My only compaint is that each of the scenes ran too long, I mean, I know its only a mini demo, but I was getting a little bored. But most of the demos were like this...
Armand: Really liked the noisy screen and the black & white tunnel. Same complaint as above. I liked the funky music too.
Axl: really like the green type screen and the way it synced with the music. Also really liked the opengl scene amd the scene in memory of a dead amiga. Also, I liked the water. I found (personally ) a lot of incomapible colors (like pink cube in front of icky green background, pick cube going down black and yellow tunnel) I think simply choosing more compatible colors would add a huge amount to it
Brain: Really liked the transition from the colored tunnel to the balck & white mesh. The lighted box was nice. I got a black screen for quite awhile afer the tunnel & before the spewing paper bits, also a white box flashed up and dissappeared- don''t know if that was intentional or coz of my video card.
David: Well, when I fist ran this I was immediately impressed.And also with the music syncying. But then it just kept loooping and so I cut it off after 30 secs.
Evengy: I really liked the butterfly going dowm the runway! It almost seems unfair though, but a lack of music really makes a huge difference.
George: Well, the space alien came running in very fast and then died in about 10 seconds and then laid on the circling floor for the rest of the demo. The alien looked great-I think! He ran so fast, and the only time he stopped (before dying) was when the floor was vertical (so he was sideways). What I''m trying to say is that I would have liked to get a good look, haha, at him but it was impossible. If a loop is necessary, I would have prefered to loop him running around rather than lieing on the floor, spewing blood. Darn, but what I could see of him, that alien looked great!
Gyasi: Reminded me of a disco! Excellent syncing with the music.
Henrik: Really liked the second scene (seems lots of people using the 3d grid of boxes) but liked the colors. Really liked the slinky too. Same common complaint though: too few scenes.
Julien: Space ship looked nice, This sort of thing is really not up my alley personally,but someone out there will like it!
Libor: Really liked the popcorn blob and the blue rectangles. Maybe its just me, but agian I found some of the colors didn''t go together and I think, the exact same demo with some color changes (an a few more scenes) would look really professional
Yup mine was the 30 second demo! Unfortunately I didn't have enough spare time to program all that I had planned... infact I was amazed at how much some people had done... seems as though some people have a lot of spare time on their hands!
I had no expectations of comming top 3, I just didn't want to put my work to waste, I know its a contest but I see no reason why people shouldn't enter because they know they won't win.
I think there was even a couple of demos over the 500kb rule?
All the entries were pretty damn sweet, but my favourite was probably Superstars by Quin Pendragon or Demolition by Phil Freeman.
Well done all
[edited by - Turnip Monster on February 7, 2003 5:42:04 AM]
quote:Original post by iNsaNEiVaN Actually polygon anti-aliasing looks good on my Voodoo3, seriously. But, like you say, it looked like crap on the Radeon 9700 I tested it on.
In fact, I had problems with polygon antialiasing on GeForce4 but ran fine on Radeon8500 !