
Salutations Brethren of the Gaming World

Started by February 08, 2003 09:26 PM
-1 comments, last by MatKing 21 years, 11 months ago
Howdy, I''m new here so this is just really to say hi. My name is Mat, I''m 17 and I''m an alcoholic. Whats that.... what? This isn''t the alcoholics room? I''m terribly sorry... You should probably excuse the above- am tired. Anyway, I''m working on a game at the moment and I''ll keep you lot updated on how it is going as and when it.. erm.. goes. I use visual basic at the moment because that is what my college requires for it''s course but I should be starting to learn C++/ C# when I get round to it. Oh and... flibble flibble wahey! :D If necessity is the mother of all invention then laziness is the father... and man am I lazy!
If necessity is the mother of all invention then laziness is the father... and man am I lazy!

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