
Bot's name and his very special tactics

Started by July 15, 2003 11:29 AM
56 comments, last by T2k 21 years, 2 months ago
Name: CowardBot
Tactics: Screams "I dont want to die!" and hides in a fetal position in the corner
AI Experience: A very stupid bot for a VB combat game I made

Qui fut tout, et qui ne fut rien
Invader''s Realm
tactic: Romes the battle field for left to right one row at time (hence progresso ).if at any time an enemy comes within range it equips the most damaging weapon it has and unloads on the enemy until the enemy dies, the bot is destroy, or it runs completely out of ammo in which case it blows its self up at close range to the enemy.

quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
tactic: Romes the battle field for left to right one row at time (hence progresso ).if at any time an enemy comes within range it equips the most damaging weapon it has and unloads on the enemy until the enemy dies, the bot is destroy, or it runs completely out of ammo in which case it blows its self up at close range to the enemy.

Should be progresso_bot
and that''s why you should register, so you can click edit instead of quote and "should be..."
WNDCLASSEX Reality;......Reality.lpfnWndProc=ComputerGames;......RegisterClassEx(&Reality);Unable to register Reality...what's wrong?---------Dan Uptonhttp://0to1.org

Kills itself 128 times, causing the signed char frag counter that Kevin is using to wrap back to -1, a lower score than the other bot.

- saving pigs from untimely fates, and when he''s not doing that, runs The Binary Refinery.
Enginuity1 | Enginuity2 | Enginuity3

Richard "Superpig" Fine - saving pigs from untimely fates - Microsoft DirectX MVP 2006/2007/2008/2009
"Shaders are not meant to do everything. Of course you can try to use it for everything, but it's like playing football using cabbage." - MickeyMouse

Name: BatBot
tactic: creates a swirling transition screen, after which it''s foe is dead, and it uses a ridiculous explanation to describe how it did it.
Ai experiance: a lot...
Oh, and


It doesn''t actually exist, but you''ll claim that you *did* fight with it but couldn''t work out how to kill it.

- saving pigs from untimely fates, and when he''s not doing that, runs The Binary Refinery.
Enginuity1 | Enginuity2 | Enginuity3

Richard "Superpig" Fine - saving pigs from untimely fates - Microsoft DirectX MVP 2006/2007/2008/2009
"Shaders are not meant to do everything. Of course you can try to use it for everything, but it's like playing football using cabbage." - MickeyMouse

Name: Leviathan
Tactics: Gets hit by enemey bullets but doesn''t die
AI Experience: -100

Name: Bot-13
Tactics: Connect to IRC port 6667 on localhost or die("Could not connect to IRC server")
AI Experience: Not an AI bot

Ok, seriously
Name: LiquidBot-13
Tactics: Stealth, upon seeing opponent, run away in a zig-zag path
AI Experience: -100
Name: SEX Bot

Tactics: Ferally runs about looking for anything that appears to be moving ( though even that''s not always required ). Upon sighting engages target and procedes to bear hug the target while peforming rapidly repetitious robo-pelvic thrusts towards any location on enemy bot where penetration is deemed fairly likely.

AI Experience: Hello world.

Weaknesses: Certain parts of the bot tend to explode if no target can be found within 2 minutes. The robot also tends to sputter out after about 30 seconds of robo-pelvic thrusting and insists on smoking a cigarette and cuddling his enemy. Not very healthy.
Name: BrainBot
Tactic: inherits the opponents ai class and runs an expandable neural network to analyse it's tactics
Weakness: exceeds the system's memory and crashes
AI-Experience: Ball bouncing off screen edges

[edited by - LagRange on July 17, 2003 4:21:58 PM]

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