
Stupid but important question

Started by July 17, 2003 06:29 PM
6 comments, last by gameovercl 21 years, 7 months ago
Hi there! All I need to know is where to download the source code of the "Red Book". At least for me, zip files are better than tar or other compression file format. Thanks in advance!
A Copy

Sorry, it is ACEd

[edited by - BGCJR on July 17, 2003 7:41:35 PM]
Game Core
Sorry but I could not unzip it (I downloaded Zipit!).

Any help or somebody with the code on zip format?

Thanks in advance!
That was just mean BGCJR, you sent him to a link with the book in ACE format He wants zip!
____________________________________________________________AAAAA: American Association Against Adobe AcrobatYou know you hate PDFs...
Thanks a lot Raloth!

Thanks a lot Raloth!

WinRAR handles ALL formats. WinRAR rocks

[edit] official site seems to be moved..


[edited by - Pipo DeClown on July 21, 2003 11:54:04 AM]

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