
Violent Animal RPG: What do you think?

Started by August 25, 2003 04:11 PM
34 comments, last by Kingzoolerius666 21 years ago
Don''t start flaming man.

You''ll have to admit, this whole thing about the religion is not breaking new ground. People have had (and criticized) religion in games for a long time. You can still break new ground without making people mad.

By making this whole religion thing a part of it all, you''re not doing anything new in gameplay... might as well just write a story and leave it at that if that''s the only reason you''re making the game(which I''m sure you aren''t.

_______________________Dancing Monkey Studios
Naw, not trying to start a war or anything. Of course I have some magnificent ideas gameplay-wise.

For me, as a game designer, my two biggest concerns are gameplay and storyline. Others might agree that those two are very important when working on a RPG.

Religion would be a big part of the storyline, but not a big part of gameplay.

~~~ Signature: ~~
"Satan sent me to destroy the video game industry." - Trigger(my alter ego)
"God is a game designer too and his game, ''Life'' " - Me
"Squirrles make me horny." - Sean Randy Rowlen Uranus
~~~ Signature: ~~"Satan sent me to destroy the video game industry." - Trigger(my alter ego)"God is a game designer too and his game, 'Life' " - Me"Squirrles make me horny." - Sean Randy Rowlen Uranus
Okay, okay.

If you''re going to portray a certain religion, though, portray it correctly. If you can''t do that, then make your own religion. Bashing a religion won''t get you anywhere except, maybe, low on the pole. And I see that you pointed out that you don''t care about that, but oh well.

_______________________Dancing Monkey Studios
I do not plan on bashing a religion, rather, altering their history. That is the controversal part. Changing biblical stories for your game.

~~~ Signature: ~~
"Satan sent me to destroy the video game industry." - Trigger(my alter ego)
"God is a game designer too and his game, ''Life'' " - Me
"Squirrles make me horny." - Sean Randy Rowlen Uranus
~~~ Signature: ~~"Satan sent me to destroy the video game industry." - Trigger(my alter ego)"God is a game designer too and his game, 'Life' " - Me"Squirrles make me horny." - Sean Randy Rowlen Uranus
quote: Original post by Kingzoolerius666
We're the game designers, we're the artist, we're the creative people who work hard on these games. Those who mal-criticize us only criticize us because they can't be as creative or good as a designer as we are so they mal-criticize us.

Nothing against you, as you probably truly are quite skilled, but what you said is a resemblance of chauvinistic, ethnocentric, arrogant, etc. people. It is much like the sentence of someone who has already been defeated before the battle even has begun. It is quite similar to the mythical, supposed "nerds" who are bullied, and when asked why they believe they are picked on (at least when they reflect upon it at an older age), they answer with something along the lines of the following: "They're jealous, of course!"

It is similar to whining, honestly, and just saying stuff to raise your self-esteem, even though they are likely false. Though your statement may have a smidge of truth, for the most part, most people mal-criticize because they believe they have earned the right to critique another person's work. Or rather, they believe that since one particular thing is great, everything else can be great as well; if those things are not, then those things "suck," etc. Perhaps another explanation is that they are ignorant, which is actually true in many cases (not limited to only mal-criticization). They simply do not know how things work, et al., and so with their uninformed knowledge of the field, they make their judgments.

Whatever the true reason, I do not believe yours is generally correct. It just makes you seem low. "They pick on me because they are jealous of my [insert skill here]." They probably are not jealous.

[edited by - Voltaire on September 19, 2003 7:31:52 PM]
--------------------Vol Tare"Each player must accept the cards life deals him or her[;] but once they are in hand, he or she alone must decide how to play the cards in order to win the game." ~ Voltaire

Back to the topic...........

~~~ Signature: ~~
"Satan sent me to destroy the video game industry." - Trigger(my alter ego)
"God is a game designer too and his game, ''Life'' " - Me
"Squirrles make me horny." - Sean Randy Rowlen Uranus
~~~ Signature: ~~"Satan sent me to destroy the video game industry." - Trigger(my alter ego)"God is a game designer too and his game, 'Life' " - Me"Squirrles make me horny." - Sean Randy Rowlen Uranus

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